Hi @antibuff,
There could be multiple reasons for the store to not show up on the map.
1) The store is outside the radius being scanned. If the default radius is 50km the map will search for stores within 50km of your landing address on page load.
2) Categories are not being properly assigned. This is a multi-store locator, means you can add multiple maps. The plugin uses categories to determine which store belongs to which map. So in order for a store to show up on the map, it should have the same category as the map.
3) Longitude and Latitude not properly saved. Sometimes due to a typo in address, the geolocation service couldn’t determine the longitude and latitude and the wrong longitude and latitude get saved in store settings. Please make sure the store has the correct longitude and latitude saved.
To update the longitude and latitude of a store you need to type the new address in-store edit page and then press the update button. Longitude and latitude will get updated according to the new address.