This is not a solution to the real GDPR issue. There are a lot of people who think that GDPR is about adding lots of tick-boxes, and then you are covered. That is not the case at all.
1) GDPR already grants automatic permission for someone to process the data for the direct purpose for which it is being submitted. So, for example, if you fill in a form asking for support, then it’s already implicit – and no extra consent is needed – that sufficient processing to provide that support will take place.
2) The real problem is that GDPR only grants the right to store data *for as long as it is needed to fulfil the purpose* (with various exceptions, none of which are relevant in this case). After that, you must have a documented, audit-proof procedure for *deleting* the data. You could get round this with a “you will let me use your data forever even when I don’t need it to provide you support” checkbox (because this will be “explicit consent” for the extra storage to supplement the existing implicit consent for fulfilling the requested task)…. but that would really worry sensible people wanting to use your site.
I believe an acceptable solution to this is automated, scheduled deletion. And here’s some code we’ve produced for it:
Install that as an mu-plugin, and use WP-Crontrol (or equivalent) to set up scheduled deletion. In that snippet above, all data >90 days is deleted. You should adjust that in accordance with the results of your GDPR-mandated evaluation process.
This still leaves the issue of including the user’s data in the WP privacy export + deletion facilities (of interest: