Hi @bernadettetp,
Thanks for getting in touch, based on a quick glance I think I see what the issue is. In order for Draw Attention to determine where to place the visual/clickable areas, it has to determine the dimensions of its container (whether that is the full window, or the container div it sits in).
That necessary process gets confused by features like Lazy Load Images or pages that load in Draw Attention after the initial page load. I see the little loading spinner on your page, and technically your page has “loaded” at that point. So when Draw Attention shows up a second later, it’s too late to determine the correct size for the clickable areas.
But why does it work when you open the dev tools? Opening the dev tools triggers a browser “window resize” event. We added some smarts in to Draw Attention so that if a user resizes the window, we dynamically resize the clickable areas (otherwise it doesn’t work too well). You can simulate the same thing by not opening dev tools, but instead just resizing the window. That made the interactive image start working for me.
So, solutions for this…
1. If you can disable that “asynchronous loading” feature in your theme, that will make Draw Attention start behaving normally. Although I’m guessing you built it this way intentionally and there are people attached to that loading graphic, so this may not be a viable option
2. You can trigger the same JavaScript command (the one that we trigger when the window resizes) after the loading has finished. If you execute the JS: hotspots.init()
after you know Draw Attention is showing on the page, it will fix the issue you’re seeing.
Hope that helps!