Hi @bjf2000,
There is no option to disable emails for a specific username.
However, I can provide you with some changes to source code that will stop emails for a particular username.
Edit the file wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceClass.php
on line 1457 to 1467, change the function to this function instead:
public static function lockOutIP($IP, $reason) {
wfBlock::createLockout($reason, $IP, wfBlock::lockoutDuration(), time(), time(), 1);
if ($reason == "Used an invalid username 'IGNORED_USEDNAME' to try to sign in")
if (wfConfig::get('alertOn_loginLockout')) {
$message = sprintf(__('A user with IP addr %s has been locked out from signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: %s.', 'wordfence'), $IP, $reason);
if (wfBlock::lockoutDuration() > 0) {
$message .= "\n" . sprintf(__('The duration of the lockout is %s.', 'wordfence'), wfUtils::makeDuration(wfBlock::lockoutDuration(), true));
wordfence::alert(__('User locked out from signing in', 'wordfence'), $message, $IP);
to the username of your choice. (Remember to keep the single quotes though, so 'MY_USERNAME'
When an invalid username is attempted, the code at line 2759 calls lockOutIP
with a custom reason. The function lockOutIP
contains code that both blocks the IP as well as sends an email.
The changes I made at line 1457 to 1467, is that it will check to see if the reason is caused by an invalid username of your choosing, and if it is, it will not send any email notifications.
if ($reason == "Used an invalid username 'IGNORED_USEDNAME' to try to sign in")