• Resolved Glenn


    just upgraded last night. today the popup doesn’t work. not sure if it’s related, but seems likely, as i’ve done nothing else with related files.

    I’m using a class trigger, and the class is still present on the link. can’t think of any other thing.

    no other reports than mine and the previous?


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  • Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @tim Griffin – Awesome, glad you got it working. Be sure to report it to Divi support in some way.

    @glenn – Thanks for jumping in. WCJax was a huge success, now time to sleep and catch up on support tickets :).

    (Post removed) (Problem fixed!)

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @maxlawmy – I would change the size to a responsive one, disable fixed position, set the location to top center (top + 100px), and change the z-index to something much higher such as 9999999998 & 9999999999.

    Hope that helps.

    U-Design theme in file /u-design/scripts/script.js
    Started working after adding the quotations around the # and the #top in both:
    line 56 $(‘a[href*=#]:not([href=#]
    line 49 $(‘a[href=#top]’).click(function(){

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @markedglass, @maxlawmy – Glad you got it worked out. Please take a moment to rate and review the plugin and or support.

    @glenn, I have the same issue as you did–Divi theme with non-working popups after after WP 4.5 update on 4/13. I’m a real novice at WP so could you guide me to where the /js/custom.js file is within ftp, i.e., is it within the wp-admin, wp-content, or wp-includes folders or is it somewhere else? (If it’s within the wp-admin/js folder I only see these three xxxxx.js files: (i) custom-background.js, (ii) custom-background.min.js, (iii) custom-header.js.) Or can I edit within the theme editor function within the WP wp-admin Dashboard (and if so, how?). Any guidance would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @johnnie5 – I don’t know the exact folder but this much should be correct /wp-content/themes/divi/. From there look for a js, scripts, assets folder etc. Likely it will be in there.

    Hey may come back with a better answer..

    You may be able to edit from admin, but likely not without installing a plugin like Advanced Code Editor which allows navigating files/folders easily.

    Hope that helps.

    @danieliser–thank you very much. I found the file based on your guidance. Thanks again!

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @johnnie5 – Awesome! Happy I could help you out. Btw, If you have a moment, I would very much appreciate if you could quickly rate the plugin, just to help us spread the word.

    @danieliser & @glenn
    This thread saved me the trouble of finding another go-to popup plugin.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @justravis – Now put yourself in my shoes :). Had to answer over 100 support requests on this issue alone that I can’t do anything about :(.

    There are a few other issues in v1.4 that had similar outcomes, but I was able to find a solution in the meantime until they fix theirs, but not in this case, breaking JS errors will nearly always break popups.

    I will also add that likely any other popup plugin would have similar issues with errors like that. If you find one that doesn’t I would love to see how they are keeping theirs from being effected (without hacks).

    Glad you got it working. Please take a moment to rate and review the plugin and or support.

    I ran into the same problem. Using ResposivePro theme from CyberChimps, found this in the wp-content/themes/responsivepro/core/js/responsive-scripts.min.js:


    changed to:


    Problem solved!!

    Thanks for the info in this thread!!

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @garytemme – Awesome! Happy I could help you out. Btw, If you have a moment, I would very much appreciate if you could quickly click that it Works for you and rate the plugin, just to help us spread the word.


    I have the same issue. When I view with the console it gives me the following:
    jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [href^=#]

    I just have no idea how to edit it as I do not have FTP access to the site. I also have limited coding knowledge.

    This is the site: https://www.sentaliohub.com/
    The popup is meant to be on the login button, but obviously it’s not working.

    I am currently using the Vellum theme and I’ve added the Theme Editor to try and find the custom.js file, but no luck.

    Could someone please assist?

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @nikkivo – Does the Vellum theme not have a support forum or free updates? Most of the theme authors have provided patches by now. I would check with their support to see if that is available before digging into it yourself in your case. If not let me know.

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