u wanted me to write you an email – your answer to it: please use the support forum to report plugin issues.
Did I misinterpret your last Message?
If yes – here is my Mail:
It is a strange habit. We just reverted to the old one, now this isn’t working any more.
I think I mentioned, that we need your Plugin just for sorting a 6 Articles Newsletter Feed.
With the newest Version – We get 4 Articles in the Feed – 2 are empty.
In the Admin Area we have 8 Articles, instead 6 – we removed 2 and added 2 new ones to the Category.
On the sort screen – the removed ones are still there.
After resetting, overriding clicking – yes, no – refreshing page – empty cache.
Then it displays the right amount of articles until we change them on the Category page.
With the old Version – we have the row Layout again.
Upon our 6 Articles, there are about 20 empty rows.
There are the right articles from the Category – but in the Feed, there is just the first article – the other 5 are not there.
First I thought it is because of my function (we include the featured image in the feed).
But the Feed is just working fine without the Plugin.
The new Version has even difficulties to display the right Articles in the Admin Area.
I have two Screenshots for you.
There you see the 6 Articles in the Category and on the reorder page just one.
Thanks again for your help.