Hi Andrew,
Thanks a lot for answering. Unfortunately the problem still exists.
I changed my test-platform to this:
– WordPress 4.2.2 – Language DE-de
– All Plugins deactivated and ONLY TinyMCE Advanced Version 4.1.9 is running
– I tried with the themes Twenty Thirteen Version 1.5 and Twenty Teen Version 1.9
– I am working with Firefox 37.0.2 on a Mac. Plus: I tried it once in Chromium-Browser Version 42.0. on my Mac and I had the same effect.
The problem only occurs when the setting “Stop removing the [p] and [br /] tags when saving and show them in the Text editor” is ON. AND only when I use the Visual Mode when Saving the Post.
The complete Code of my Test-Post looks like this before saving:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="128"]<img class="" src="https://ps.w.org/tinymce-advanced/assets/icon-128x128.png" alt="" width="128" height="128" /> Test-Caption[/caption]
And after saving like this:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="128"]<img class="" src="https://ps.w.org/tinymce-advanced/assets/icon-128x128.png" alt="" width="128" height="128" /> Test-Caption[/caption]
<p> </p>
Probably this has something to do with it: When i stay in Text-Mode and press the Update-Button – before it’s this
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="128"]<img class="" src="https://ps.w.org/tinymce-advanced/assets/icon-128x128.png" alt="" width="128" height="128" /> Test-Caption[/caption]
After saving it gets that: caption embedded in paragraph.
<p>[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="128"]<img class="" src="https://ps.w.org/tinymce-advanced/assets/icon-128x128.png" alt="" width="128" height="128" /> Test-Caption[/caption]</p>
When I now switch to Visual-Mode and back to Text-Mode without saving, the paragraph around the caption disappears! Next Step: Saving in Text-Mode: the paragraph (without visual impact) is back. Or alternatively: Saving in Visual-Mode: the empty line appears (which is visible).
I hope this report can help you to fix the issue.