• Hi there,

    I installed the beta tester on a site I was redeveloping locally so I could configure for 3.9.

    When ready, I deactivated and uninstalled the plugin and put the site live. However, shortly after 3.9 was released, the site updated itself to v4 alpha and is now updating every night. I’ve re-installed it and asked to change to point releases – this didn’t work. Uninstalling and deleting the plugin doesn’t work either.

    I realise I can’t go back to 3.9 now, but is there any way to turn the updating off? It’s a live site and every time it updates a couple of my plugins deactivate themselves – I’m having to go in every morning to reactivate.

    Would be very grateful for any help or suggestions on how to stop the install updating. I realise it’s probably not feasible to downgrade now but it’d be really handy to know how I can stop on a fairly stable version in the meantime before I get time to reinstall 3.9.



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  • Same here, this plugin is a mystery. I deactivated the plugin, I deleted the plugin, I even changed the email address given in my user profile. But I keep getting update messages sent to the previous email.

    Passing by and noticed this post. To stop the updating problem, deactivate the Beta Tester plug-in and delete. If you want to revert to WP version 3.9.2, the easiest way is to use FTP and go to wp-includes/version.php file. Near the top you will see the version number. Change it to 3.9.1 and save. When you refresh your Dashboard it should show that 3.9.2 is available for updating. Otherwise wait for WP version 4.0, which is expected before the end of August.



    “Updating” here over and over and it’s always the same RC1 version.. Not sure at what level things are messing up.

    Yeah, I’ve tried decativating and deleting the plugin, but it continues. Worse, it is always same one… WordPress 4.1-alpha-30266. AND, it reverts my Akismet plugin to 3.0.2 as well, so every time WP updates, I have to update Akismet back to 3.0.3. Really weird.

    I’ll try the version.php trick now and post results.

    UPDATE: yep, that worked. Now on 4.0.

    Now that I know how to fix it (and we’ll know for sure when I don’t get the update emails tomorrow), once there’s an update to the plugin, I’ll try activating it again.

    The problem appears to be this.

    When installed this plugin creates _site_transient_update_core then..

    When deinstalled/deactivated the call to delete_site_transient( ‘update_core’ ) seems to not work, as the transient remains after deinstall/deactivate.

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