Hi again @sayandutta,
I am afraid, you don’t have a specific class or id to be used for the mentioned image. So, adding its current class will also interfere with other images on the site as well.
Mu-plugins are generally used to change and trigger some options of the already installed plugins. You can use them to exclude this image by specifying it full path such as;
add_filter('smush_skip_image_from_lazy_load', function( $skip, $src, $image ){
//compare the $src here and return true to skip
if ( ! $skip && 'https://findnewscholarships.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Case-Study-1-768x512.jpeg' === $src ) {
$skip = true;
return $skip;
}, 99, 3);
Another way to do is to create an id or custom class for this image on your page designer and use that on Smush Lazy Load exclusion section.
Kind regards,