when I updated the permalink of an old post with Subscriptions turned ON before, it sent notifications when I didn’t want it to.
That could be because the post was never published while Jetpack was active before.
We send subscription notifications for posts exactly once, never more. If a post has never been published under Jetpack before, that means we have no record of it, so when it’s edited, that’s the one time, and we send an email.
So I was told that the solution was to turn OFF Subscriptions when updating permalinks of old post.
Yep, that’s the right thing to do when editing any posts that existed prior to Jetpack.
So now, I have Subscriptions turned ON and updated permalinks of old posts. At this point, I am fine for notifications to be sent to Subscribers. However, it did not send notifications after updating.
That would mean that we already sent a subscription email for the post, likely when it was originally published, or the last time it was edited.
Keep in mind again, we only ever send one email per post.
I really just want to know the expected behaviour since it’s been inconsistent from what I just explained above.
We will always only ever send one email per post.
If it’s a newly published post, the email that goes out will be its one email. There will be no emails sent for edits.
If the post was published prior to Jetpack, and you edit it, that will be its one email. There will be no further emails sent for it.