I agree with @bluebearmedia. WordFence is not an email rule-engine, and no matter how much they add in “selections” there will still be things someone “don’t wanna know about”.
BUT.. There are many other types of rule-engines that allow you to apply whatever personal logic you want to the emails you receive. From Outlook’s Rules & Alerts manager, to Cpanel’s Email Filters.
Personally, I use Email Filters in the Cpanel account that holds my email accts to filter and deliver many of my emails.. From various of subscribed email lists to Server emails like from WordFence.. By setting up a set of rules on subject/body content/ and many other things, I control where emails go and how they are handled.
Lists and less important content server emails gets either deleted, sent directly into respective subject folders, delivered to my “server” email account, or even forwarded to my personal Inbox if deemed “important” or “Unknown”.
With filters, you could even trigger certain body aspects (such as if a “changed file report” included files in important paths) to go straight to you immediately, while lessor areas are ignored or dumped into a folder.
By using a combination of multiple sets of filter rules, I get to see exactly what I want to see. Immediately, save for later bulk-reading, or simply automatically file/ignore/delete the rest.. No rocket-science involved. But it keeps my main email-box clean of clutter, 7×24.
So check out your Cpanel “Email Filters” functionality, y’all. ??