• Resolved heretiq



    Thank you for providing this fabulous plugin. However, I can’t get it to work. I am observing the following two issues:

    1. Stock symbols entered in the settings page are not being saved
    2. Symbols entered via the short code are appearing in the widget; but no stock data is displayed

    Here is the shortcake I’m using: “[stock-quotes-list symbols=”BPEAX;BPECX;BPEIX;BPMAX;BPMCX;BPMIX;” width=”100%” height=”380″ motif=”financial” palette=”financial-light”]”

    Any ideas how to correct these issues?

    Thanks again.


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  • Thread Starter heretiq



    1. I tried using the example short code from the WordPress plugin page (see below) and that works:

    [stock-quotes-list symbols=”AAPL;MSFT;GOOG;HPQ;^SPX;^DJI” stockExchange=”NYSENasdaq” width=”100%” height=”380″ motif=”financial” palette=”financial-light”]

    2. I modified the above short code to add the desired symbols, and to use each of the three US exchanges (NYSENasdaq, OTCMKTS, and OTCBB) as shown below:

    “[stock-quotes-list symbols=”BPEAX;BPECX;BPEIX;BPMAX;BPMCX;BPMIX;” stockExchange=”NYSENasdaq” width=”100%” height=”380″ motif=”financial” palette=”financial-light”]”

    “[stock-quotes-list symbols=”BPEAX;BPECX;BPEIX;BPMAX;BPMCX;BPMIX;” stockExchange=”OTCMKTS” width=”100%” height=”380″ motif=”financial” palette=”financial-light”]”

    “[stock-quotes-list symbols=”BPEAX;BPECX;BPEIX;BPMAX;BPMCX;BPMIX;” stockExchange=”OTCBB” width=”100%” height=”380″ motif=”financial” palette=”financial-light”]”

    None of these work — only the symbol with is displayed — no data.

    Also, the display is not matching the configuration entered in plugin settings — logo, Company, %change and trend are showing for the short code in #1 even though I’ve unchecked them in plugin settings.

    Any idea why this is not working?

    Plugin Author Stockdio


    Thank you for reporting these issues. We have been able to reproduce them, please let us elaborate:

    1. The reason why the symbols you are providing do not return any data is because we currently don’t support any of the Nasdaq Mutual Funds. We will provide support for these as soon as possible, hopefully within the next 2 or 3 days, probably as a separate exchange (e.g. MUTF).

    2. The symbols entered in the settings page not being saved, and the fact that the display does not match the configuration entered in the plugin settings are both bugs, which we will fix and upload a new update soon, very likely along with the addition of the Mutual Funds.

    Thread Starter heretiq


    Thanks Stockdio. We are working through the punchlist for a client site that is due next Monday and would love to use the Stockdio plugin. Holding my breath for the update this week!

    Plugin Author Stockdio


    We have uploaded a new update that fixes the settings page issues you have reported a couple days ago. We have also added support for US Mutual Funds, directly in the NYSENasdaq exchange. Some symbols may not reflect historical data immediately, but all of them should be available within the next 2 or 3 days. Data for the symbols that you specified previously (BPEAX;BPECX;BPEIX;BPMAX;BPMCX;BPMIX) is already available.

    Thread Starter heretiq


    Thanks for the prompt response! I’ve checked the updated plugin and observed the following:

    The height of the stock list is defaulting to ‘320px’ if left blank — even though the plugin settings state the following:

    “Height of the chart in pixels (optional). If this parameter is not specified, the height will be automatically adjusted, based on the number of symbols displayed. By default, this parameter is left blank.”

    I wanted the height to be automatically adjusted, so I deleted the ‘320px’ entry and saved the settings; however, the refreshed settings page defaults back to showing ‘320px’. Using this setting resulted in the widget being rendered with 80px of whitespace at the bottom .

    I can manually set the height to work around this; but wanted to let you know that the auto-height is not behaving.

    Two additional questions:

    (1) What is the business model for this plugin? i.e., will you be charging for use at a later date or is there a premium version of the plugin currently available?

    (2) Is there a way to remove the stockdio.com branding? I think it is nicely done; but our client might object so I want to know if unbranded use is also possible.

    Thanks again for a very nicely done plugin and excellent, responsive service!

    Plugin Author Stockdio


    Thank you for reporting the height issue. The help in the settings page is incorrect, as specifying the plugin height is actually required (default is 320px). The documentation in the plugin description is correct, and we are now uploading an update with the fix in the settings page help. Actually, the auto height calculation is a feature that we support in the service, when used directly as an iframe; however, due to the way WP configures the plugins, unfortunately we could not make it work in WP, though we tried because we understand it’s a nice and desired behavior.

    In regards to your licensing and branding removal questions, this is indeed possible. For further details, please contact us by email to info at stockdio dot com.

    Thread Starter heretiq


    Thank you. Just sent email. I appreciate your responsiveness!

    Plugin Author Stockdio


    I’m glad we were able to solve your issues.

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