Still having slow queries on wfBlock::allBlocks(), MySQL dies
Hello again,
About three years ago, I tried to report as extensively as I could an issue with slow queries pretty much killing MySQL (and, before that, grinding everything to a halt, until my watchdog simply killed MySQL and restarted it).
Back then, my problem was that due to the insane amount of database writes, my MySQL replication was failing over and over again. I got a very detailed reply explaining to me that there were known issues with replication. Fast-forward to 2020: while my basic setup remains essentially the same, I have shut down replication and added a handful more sites (all of them running WordFence) — but nevertheless, the issue not only persists but it seems to be getting worse (my reasoning behind the ‘getting worse’ scenario is that, as hackers pick up new sites to target, they make more and more attempts — so, the more sites you have, and the longer they’ve been up, the more attacks will be attempted, and that means WordFence needs to deal with more data).
The ‘official’ explanation (at least the one from 2017) is that WordFence has to do a lot of writes to keep up with Real-Time Life Traffic. One can reduce the amount of traffic that gets written to the database, by restricting it to security issues (I did that on all my sites, long ago) and eventually reducing the number of lines that get written to the log (
Amount of Live Traffic data to store (number of rows)
to 100, andMaximum days to keep Live Traffic data
to 5), in the hope that the slow queries will have fewer rows to sort through… but all this was in vain. Sooner or later, WordFence will simply get MySQL to crash, or to make it so unresponsive for several minutes (on a server with a 4-core CPU and around 30 sites running WordFence I saw at some point the load crawling up to 250 or so, for several minutes), to the point that the watchdog will simply shut down MySQL.It is also claimed that ‘several’ very big enterprises use WordFence extensively and that the amount of database writes they experience is ‘negligible’. I can imagine that a setup with dedicated clusters of several MySQL instances, running on servers with 32 or 64 CPUs, 256 GBytes of RAM and SSD disks might, indeed, never experience any slow queries — the problem might just be with less powerful setups, where the Golden Rule of WordPress Administration is do not connect to the database except when adding content. What is the point of having several cache levels, producing static pages and distributing them to a CDN (Cloudflare in my case; it also helps to deflect a lot of attacks before even WordFence is made aware of them), and optimising Nginx + php-fpm to limit the number of database queries as much as possible (‘zero’ being the target), when WordFence will simply continue to aggressively write to the database?…
Now, I’ve seen a few cases reported, with some tips on what to do. Most of these cases have long since been closed, often without a ‘solution’ (at least, a solution that has been made public):
- (closed after receiving diagnostics from the user)
- (a temporary fix that I’ve applied to all my sites, even though none of them had the mentioned
, and, of course, it didn’t help) - (recently posted and apparently still under
I felt tempted to fill the
List of comma separated IP addresses to ignore
(i.e. ‘all’) — I saw that the validation function allowed0.0.0.0
, but I have no idea if this helped — at least, the slow queries continue to appear on the logs.Clearly, it is in the interest of Defiant Inc. to keep all these records on the database, so that a lot of nifty statistics can be produced with a few queries. The problem here is that just to allow those statistics to be presented in real-time requires a lot of database writes!
What we need is a way to prevent WordFence from writing any queries to the database. Sure, that means less fancy statistics, and possibly may have other implications as well (namely, the ‘training’ period when the plugin has just been installed might not work at all). But I think that this could always be an option, to be turned on or off via a checkbox on the settings page. Sure, I love to get an alert every time there is some ‘suspicious’ activity on any of my sites; but, in practice, I cannot keep up with all that activity anyway — too many attacks, too many suspicious activities, too many emails to read and process and investigate… — especially because, so far, all of them represent successful blocks put in place by WordFence — the reason why I have it installed, after all. In other words: if I have to sacrifice constant database writes with slow queries for not getting a) fancy statistics; b) no warnings of suspicious activity; c) any other non-essential feature that might not work any longer — then, of course, I’ll be more than glad to do that ‘sacrifice’.
Note that in the ‘no-database-writing’ scenario I’m obviously assuming that the rest of the things will still work. The database still needs to be checked for each access — presumably, to retrieve information about blocked IP addresses and similar things that get updated periodically from WordFence’s central servers. But such information can be cached outside the database — presumably in memory, for example, or on an external text file. It’s only when there are changes on the central servers (e.g. new methods to detect potential harmful activity) that something needs to be written on the database. But such changes will occur at a much slower pace than actual website accesses (which invariably trigger at the very least one database access for reading and possibly a few more for writing on the logs and other statistics-related tables).
WordFence has been adding more and more features (and many bells and whistles!), and that’s why I stick with it. For example, 2FA and reCAPTCHA 3 are essential features, both of which I could accomplish with other plugins, but WordFence does that so much better. Even Jetpack has, these days, some degree of login protection against brute-force attacks — but nothing even coming close to what WordFence can actually do. The list of ‘must-have’ features of WordFence grows and grows and that’s why so many people rely on this fantastic plugin to feel a certain degree of safety against external threats. But at which cost?
I humbly admit having used BulletProof Security before switching to WordFence — and never went back, mostly because BPS did not support Nginx when I finally finished migrating all my sites from Apache to Nginx. BPS is also considerably harder to configure, and I’m not even sure that it covers all features — at least at the protection/firewalling level — although it certainly wasn’t as aggressive in database reading/writing as WordFence (mostly because BPS was little more than a glorified editor of complex rewriting rules using
, so things were filtered out before WordPress was even aware of their existence — things might be quite different today, I don’t know, as said, I never went back to BPS…). My point is that there are a few other choices out there in terms of WP protection. Maybe they’re not as good as WordFence — it consistently rates as the best plugin in its category — but at some point in the future I’ll need to make the hard choice: is it worth to have the ‘best plugin ever’ if it brings your database to its knees?
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