Hi Jeff:
I have been having this issue too, and would be so happy to get to a resolution. I use TML on a website with PaidMembershipsPro, and have been extremely happy with all the funtionality of the plugin. But I can’t resolve this issue, which happens in two flavors:
1) When the link that is sent with the “lost password” email is sent, sometimes I successfully get to the reset page, reset the password, and then when I try to use the new password, I get an error message that the password is incorrect.
2) More often, clicking on the link in the “lost password” email yields the following error:
“Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below.”
These two issues happened just this morning, where I first was able to reset the password but then it wasn’t recognized, and then the next lost password email link generated the “link appears to be invalid” error.
I have tried all the fixes I’ve discovered in various threads: We do not have server-side caching; I have tried disabling “Enable custom email”; I have tried copying and pasting the URL in the password reset email into the browser. None of these has worked so far.
Our membership website is really disabled at the moment if users can’t reset their passwords. I would be so grateful for additional suggestions of what could fix the issue. Thank you!!
The Neuropsychoanalysis Association