Hiya –
One problem with your setup is that in order to work properly, your themes need to be within a themes folder in wp-content, and right now they’re not.
A normal wp install sets up folders like this: /wp-content/themes/default/ and /wp-content/themes/classic/, where “default” and “classic” are the two themes which are packaged with the distro.
Any other themes you want to use should be placed within /wp-content/themes/ – so your lonely-island-10 theme folder needs to be moved into the normal themes folder. Once you get the system back in place where it should be, then we will be better equipped to see what’s going on.
Sidebar dropping has been discussed ad infinitum ad nauseam on here – try a quick search, mostly it’s to do with the width of your content being more than the width of the container you put it in….