Hi there!
Yes, you should not embed using the quick embed code—you should use the “Enable Forum” checkbox in the page editor that is available when this plugin is installed. Then, you can add the following block of code to your theme’s functions.php file to add custom navigation (so, links to the specific posts and channels in the forum’s navigation bar):
function my_add_custom_muut_navigation() { ?>
<!-- Custom Navigation Below Standard -->
<div class="m-h3">Sticky Posts</div>
<a href="#!/my-sticky-post-path:thepost" class="unlisted">My Custom Sticky Post</a>
<!-- End Custom Navigation -->
<?php }
add_action( 'muut_forum_custom_navigation', 'my_add_custom_muut_navigation' );
You can edit the code between the <!-- Custom Navigation Below Standard -->
and <!-- End Custom Navigation -->
navigation with other custom navigation code as outined in our Custom Navigation documentation. Note that only need to add code that is the custom navigation itself, not the forum embed code—just the things after it.
This thread in our main support forum has more details on that. You might also check that out with a quick search for other stuff—often many questions you might run into have been answered there. ??