• Yes, still working on version 4.8

    Since the author did put effort so I’ll offer my own step-by-step version so that others can appreciate it as well (after activating plugin):
    1. Create ANY folder on your hosting server using FTP or cpanel File Manager
    (I created mine inside /wp-content/uploads/ folder). e.g. “downloads”
    2. After activating plugin, go to Settings > Hide Download Link
    3. Copy the directory highlighted on the “Root path on your server is”
    e.g. /home/server/public_html/
    4. Paste it on the “Base Dir:” text box then add the directory where you created your folder. Now, my full “Base Dir:” is:
    5. Keep “Log Downloads” checked
    6. Click to Save Settings
    7. Upload your downloadable file on your “Base Dir” (or on your created folder)
    Let’s say my file is “plugin-download.zip”
    The REAL full url of my file is /home/server/public_html/wp-content/uploads/downloads/plugin-download.zip
    8. Create new post/page for your “plugin-download.zip” Download Page
    Let’s say I named it “Download Page of Plugin” with slug “download-page-plugin”
    9. On that page, you don’t have to write anything EXCEPT for the shortcode [download_page]
    10. Save & Publish that Page
    Now, the url of that page will be: website.com/download-page-plugin/
    11. Create ANOTHER new post/page. This time, I created my Thank You Page.
    I named it “Thank You Plugin Download” with slug “thank-you-page-plugin”
    12. On the content, I included a thank you message plus the PLUGIN-SECURED download link.
    e.g. Thank you for downloading my plugin.
    <link href=”website.com/download-page-plugin/?f=plugin-download.zip”>Click HERE to download the plugin</link>
    NOTE: “website.com/download-page-plugin/” is the URL of the first created page; “?f=” is the required query for the URL; and lastly “plugin-download.zip” is the file name of the uploaded file.
    13. Save & Publish that Page
    Now, the url of that page will be: website.com/thank-you-page-plugin/
    14. To test if everything is working, go to the recently created page;
    https://website.com/thank-you-page-plugin/&#8221; and check the download link.
    Once you click the link, the downloadable file should now be accessible.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by priljayme.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by priljayme.
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