This is the Step By Step Guide
Yes, still working on version 4.8
Since the author did put effort so I’ll offer my own step-by-step version so that others can appreciate it as well (after activating plugin):
1. Create ANY folder on your hosting server using FTP or cpanel File Manager
(I created mine inside /wp-content/uploads/ folder). e.g. “downloads”
2. After activating plugin, go to Settings > Hide Download Link
3. Copy the directory highlighted on the “Root path on your server is”
e.g. /home/server/public_html/
4. Paste it on the “Base Dir:” text box then add the directory where you created your folder. Now, my full “Base Dir:” is:
5. Keep “Log Downloads” checked
6. Click to Save Settings
7. Upload your downloadable file on your “Base Dir” (or on your created folder)
Let’s say my file is “”
The REAL full url of my file is /home/server/public_html/wp-content/uploads/downloads/
8. Create new post/page for your “” Download Page
Let’s say I named it “Download Page of Plugin” with slug “download-page-plugin”
9. On that page, you don’t have to write anything EXCEPT for the shortcode [download_page]
10. Save & Publish that Page
Now, the url of that page will be:
11. Create ANOTHER new post/page. This time, I created my Thank You Page.
I named it “Thank You Plugin Download” with slug “thank-you-page-plugin”
12. On the content, I included a thank you message plus the PLUGIN-SECURED download link.
e.g. Thank you for downloading my plugin.
<link href=””>Click HERE to download the plugin</link>
NOTE: “” is the URL of the first created page; “?f=” is the required query for the URL; and lastly “” is the file name of the uploaded file.
13. Save & Publish that Page
Now, the url of that page will be:
14. To test if everything is working, go to the recently created page;
“” and check the download link.
Once you click the link, the downloadable file should now be accessible.
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