FWIW, I think people (including myself) are having a hard time finding the right instructions. This is what you list on your installation page on www.remarpro.com.
Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it
Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin
Enter your email-address and Google Analytics ID for the plugin to enable the tracking code
And this is in your description of the plugin which is more exhaustive.
Installation Instructions
Enable Enhanced E-commerce for your profile/view. This is a profile / view level setting and can be accessed under Admin > View > E-commerce Settings
Add meaningful labels for your checkout steps. We recommend you to label as, Step 1 : Checkout View; Step 2 : Billing Info; Step 3 : Proceed to payment
Remove standard E-commerce code from thank you along with the ecommerce.js which is included by ga(‘require’, ‘ecommerce’, ‘ecommerce.js’);. If you are using a third party plugin for e-commerce tracking, you would have to disable the plugin.
Activate our plug-in from the Settings page. You can access the setting page from here WooCommerce -> Settings ->Integration ->Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics.
Find “Add Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking Code” in the settings page and check the box to add the tracking code
If you have a guest checkout on your WooCommerce store, then Check the box “Add Code to Track the Login Step of Guest Users”. If you have a guest login but you do not check the box, then it might cause an uneven funnel reporting in Google Analytics.
All the product sections on homepage other than feature product will be fired as Recent Product and will be available in product list performance report.
All the product sections on product page will be fired as Related Product and will be available in product list performance report.
With that said, I’ve disabled the other plugin from Yoast. I’m not seeing conversion data yet, but I’ll wait 24 hours and check it out.