Hi natitornpat,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
The trick is to make WunderAutomation re-evaluate the filter when the workflow actually runs. See this image, you need to check this checkbox: https://snipboard.io/yRopdq.jpg
When working with delayed workflows, the process flow will look like this:
1. The trigger fires
2. The filters are evaluated
3. If the filters pass, put the workflow in a queue with correct scheduled date?
4. …. wait until the correct date/time…
5. Start the workflow again
6. Reevaluate any filters that are marked as “Re-evaluate at delayed run”
7. If the filters pass, run the actions.
To make the logic work in your case (cancel orders that have been on hold for 3 days), you also want to make sure the order is still in “on-hold” after the 3 days have passed, so you want to check “Re-evaluate…” to achieve this.
We’ll look into how we can improve UX and documentation to help users get this right in the future.