From the troubleshooting i have done, i believe the problem is on the back-end. Meaning, on the server where the stats are being hosted. Meaning,
I have two domains, and If i create test blogs on and on subdomains of, the stats all show up just as they ought to – separate stats for each subdomain, which are also separate from the primary domain.
But if i set up test blogs on subdomains of, they all get merged with the stats for The only exception to this is a subdomain where i first installed the stats plugin; the blog had the plug-in installed later.
I’ve emailed their support with all of the information i had, and received no response. It’s possible that they’re just backlogged, but it’s been a week or two. I am not sure how to resolve the issue, or if it is even possible to do so. I’m looking into other statistic management systems, but unfortunately, nothing collects the same type of data (and amount of data) that i’m trying to get.