• Resolved Rowe



    i’m trying to find away to make it easier to import the teams into the ‘statistics’column (screen of what i mean: https://prnt.sc/rj4qky)

    The only reference I see to this is in the ‘sp_assignments’ custom field, which has data like this when I assign the “Ajax” team to it in the Statistics section: 130_131_5302. The ‘5302’ is the Ajax team ID, so i am guessing 130/131 are the league and season but how to make it work, because when i import it as 130_131_5302 with a import pluginit doesn’t work(everything else does import), i already contacted the import plugin developers and they said that i needed to contact the Sportspress developers, but uhm yeah they are pretty inactive lately and don’t respond, so i’m hoping someone here can help trying to figure this out.

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  • Roch



    Thanks for reaching out.

    Unfortunately we can’t help you with coding issues via support. Maybe @savvasha has an idea of how to solve this, but usually this would be considered custom code.


    Thread Starter Rowe


    @rochesterj Ah, too bad. Hopefully @savvasha is going to see this ??



    The club season and league he played on the player page were not selected.
    Select Club, League and Season then update
    Now the player’s team appears.


    Thread Starter Rowe


    @ozgurgedikli Yeah that’s not related to my question ?? but eitherway thanks.


    Maybe we can find an alternative way of getting what you need?

    What are you trying to do there? Just import past data?


    Thread Starter Rowe


    @rochesterj Yes, i need to import 500 players and to have to go one by one to see the statistics on the players profile is really not efficient and really time consuming. So i’m trying to find away to make it faster.


    Ok, so you want to import player stats. Do you want to import the events as well or just stats?

    The easiest way I can think of is by creating a dummy event. Then add all your players and their stats in it.

    You’ll just need to be careful to add games played as a stat as well, since you’ll have just one event.

    It is very similar to this issue, as far as I can see:


    Thread Starter Rowe



    No, i need to import 500 new players, but when you import them with .csv everything is getting added expect the feature to show the statistics on the players profile.

    So after the import a player profile statistics field will look like this: https://prnt.sc/rolta9

    But i need to have it to look like this:

    That can be done by manually going to every player profile and edit it and choose the team in the scroll down menu > https://prnt.sc/rj4qky but then i have to go one by one to see select the team by each player! what would take a lot of time. So i’m trying to find away to make it faster for now and the future.

    A drop-down list has been added to select teams in the statistics section for players transferred in the same season or past seasons.

    When it is edited as Number, Name, Positions, Teams, Leagues, Seasons, Nationality, DoB in cvs format for adding players, it should add directly to the statistics section in the import. If the Player has a transfer operation, the Statistics must be automatically arranged when data is entered for the past teams by adding the Transfer Actions menu to the Player menu. It can be added to the cvs format for suitable bulk transfer operations.

    Sportspress algorithm should be arranged as Season.
    Adding single players must be added for a unique License Number and current season.
    * For your own private league; Automatic license no vending Example: SLN00001
    * For Federation Leagues, manual entry is required to enter the current license number.
    A character must be added to the auto license number to distinguish between Automatic and Manual entry.
    Example: SLN00001 (SLN = Sportspres License Number)

    Add Transfer from the created transfer menu to create player history
    * Search should be done by license number
    * Season of transfer
    * Transfer Club
    * League of Transfer (Since the transfer is a forward process, the season should be the Current Season.)

    The data should be updated by entering the data.

    The statistics of the players should be according to the season. Not by leagues.


    I was happy if I was able to help you

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by ozgurgedikli.

    The cause of your problem is due to the algorithm prepared for the transfer status of a player to another club.

    Since statistic data is entered manually in transfer operations, there is no different method for this.

    If the player has not transferred to another club, a transfer can be done, and a drop down list is made to manually select club information for preparation.


    Thread Starter Rowe


    @ozgurgedikli Sorry.. I really have no clue where you are talking about. I don’t have the Pro version and don’t want players transfered.. the only thing i want is to have a faster way to to select the team in the ‘statstics’ cloumn to see it on players their profile instead of having to go one by one adding it from the dropdown menu.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Rowe.

    The transfer event is not related to the pro Sportspress system’s algorithm.
    Since the system is designed for transfer operations, there is no operation in the form of this not happening.
    The reason for choosing a player in the statistics section is that Sportspress allows players to choose a club for their transfer.
    There is no other method for this.
    Likewise, because of the theme change, I imported the information of 2400 players on the website. As statistics, I entered the team information again at a certain time.
    The solution to this is through the change of the structuring algorithm in the system. In the previous answer, I mentioned how this should be.

    Thread Starter Rowe


    @ozgurgedikli Yeah i’m still confused. So you are talking about custom things that you added to your sportspress? i don’t have those customs things so i don’t have the transfer/add transfer feature that are displayed in the screenshot. i am in no way a developer so i can’t make that.

    The process you see as a mistake is to enter the status of transfer of a player to the system.
    This is the same as sportspress and pro because this works as the basic rule.
    The improvement of this event is impossible with the existing algorithm software.
    If you want to see the stats of the player, you must make the club information manually. There is no other method.
    This is something that needs to be improved for Sportspress.

    Hi Rowe!

    Let’s ignore what you are doing or what tools you are using and just focus on the end result you want.

    Do you want the player stats to be added to their page? If yes, then the event import tool is the solution.

    That’s because players don’t hold stats (for a good reason), only events do. So you will need to add dummy events (like I said, it could be just one event) to hold your data.


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