Statistics and Ranking
Firstful, i will thank you, Antone, for this great plugin, it just doing the staff ??As i m not programmer, i will ask if you can help me to achieve this:
in the rankin page, i want to display 2 new columns: the number of succeed full scores (5pts) and the number of succeed toto scores (3pt) in addition to the total of point
# player #full #toto # totalpts
1 Remi 4 1 23pts
2 Majik 2 2 16ptsThanks you very much
the score breakdown plugin does almost exactly what you want. It just displays some more columns, but you could hide those via CSS if you don’t have the experience to change the PHP code.
Oh, wait, you want the numbers, not the points. This is also possible. Just replace the row template in the plugin to this:
public static function ranking_row_template( $template, $all_user_view, $type ) { if ( $all_user_view ) { $ranking_template = '<tr class="%css_class%"> <td style="width:3em; text-align: right;">%rank%.</td> <td><a href="%user_link%">%user_avatar%%user_name%</a></td> <td class="num-predictions">%num_predictions%</td> <td class="score-breakdown question">%breakdown_question%</td> <td class="score-breakdown full">%breakdown_full%</td> <td class="score-breakdown toto">%breakdown_toto%</td> <td class="score-breakdown goalbonus">%breakdown_goalbonus%</td> <td class="score-breakdown goaldiff">%breakdown_goaldiff%</td> <td class="ranking score">%points%</td> <td>%league_image%</td> </tr>'; } else { $ranking_template = '<tr class="%css_class%"> <td style="width:3em; text-align: right;">%rank%.</td> <td><a href="%user_link%">%user_avatar%%user_name%</a></td> <td class="num-predictions">%num_predictions%</td> <td class="score-breakdown question">%breakdown_question%</td> <td class="score-breakdown full">%breakdown_full%</td> <td class="score-breakdown toto">%breakdown_toto%</td> <td class="score-breakdown goalbonus">%breakdown_goalbonus%</td> <td class="score-breakdown goaldiff">%breakdown_goaldiff%</td> <td class="ranking score">%points%</td> </tr>'; }
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
AntoineH. Reason: numbers, not points
Hi Antoine,
thank’s for the tip.
I will give it a try and replay soon
Can you please paste this php if you manage to do this?
I made a small plugin like this, it shows numbers instead of sum (for toto’s points and so on)
you can check this out
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Thx for your commitment and for providing the script here. That’s exactly what we want to show in the ranking page.
But after installing and activating the plugin nothing changes in the ranking page, it stays with the default four columns. Did we miss something? Are there additional settings required in Football pool?As a side information: we did not activate the league-option.
Hi Antony, it just working like a charme. Tks:
here the script after adaptation for my need:
* Plugin Name: Football Pool Ranking Score Breakdown
* Description: Show score breakdown in the ranking table (full points, toto points, goal bonus, goal difference, question points).
* Version: 1.2
* Author: Antoine Hurkmans
* Author URI: mailto:[email protected]
* License: MIT
*/// Save this plugin in the “/wp-content/plugins” folder and activate it //
class FootballPoolExtensionRankingScoreBreakdown {
public static function init_extension() {
// display a message if the Football Pool plugin is not activated.
if ( ! class_exists( ‘Football_Pool’ ) ) {
add_action( ‘admin_notices’, array( __CLASS__, ‘disable_extension’ ) );
}// add a row with column headers and the opening <tbody> to the template
add_filter( ‘footballpool_ranking_template_start’, array( __CLASS__, ‘template_start’ ) , null, 6 );
// add </tbody> before </table>
add_filter( ‘footballpool_ranking_template_end’, array( __CLASS__, ‘template_end’ ) , null, 6 );
// add the new columns to the row template
add_filter( ‘footballpool_ranking_ranking_row_template’, array( __CLASS__, ‘ranking_row_template’ ), null, 3 );
// add the score breakdown data to the data set
add_filter( ‘footballpool_ranking_ranking_row_params’, array( __CLASS__, ‘change_params’ ), null, 7 );
}public static function disable_extension() {
echo ‘<div class=”error”><p>The Football Pool plugin is not activated. Make sure you activate it so the Football Pool extension plugin has some use.</p></div>’;
}public static function template_end( $template_end, $league, $user, $ranking_id, $all_user_view, $type ) {
return ‘</tbody></table>’;
}public static function template_start( $template_start, $league, $user, $ranking_id, $all_user_view, $type ) {
$template_start .= sprintf( ‘<thead>
<th class=”user”>%s</th>
<th class=”score-breakdown full”>%s</th>
<th class=”score-breakdown toto”>%s</th>
<th class=”score”>%s</th>
, __( ‘user’, ‘football-pool’ )
, __( ‘full’, ‘football-pool’ )
, __( ‘toto’, ‘football-pool’ )
, __( ‘points’, ‘football-pool’ )
, ( $all_user_view ? ‘<th></th>’ : ” )
return $template_start;
}public static function ranking_row_template( $template, $all_user_view, $type ) {
if ( $all_user_view ) {
$ranking_template = ‘<tr class=”%css_class%”>
<td style=”width:3em; text-align: right;”>%rank%.</td>
<td class=”score-breakdown full”>%breakdown_full%</td>
<td class=”score-breakdown toto”>%breakdown_toto%</td>
<td class=”ranking score”>%points%</td>
} else {
$ranking_template = ‘<tr class=”%css_class%”>
<td style=”width:3em; text-align: right;”>%rank%.</td>
<td class=”score-breakdown full”>%breakdown_full%</td>
<td class=”score-breakdown toto”>%breakdown_toto%</td>
<td class=”ranking score”>%points%</td>
return $ranking_template;
}private static function get_breakdown( $ranking_id ) {
$cache_key = ‘fpx_score_breakdown’;
$breakdown = wp_cache_get( $cache_key );if ( $breakdown === false ) {
global $wpdb;
$question = FOOTBALLPOOL_TYPE_QUESTION;$pool = new Football_Pool_Pool();
$scorehistory = $pool->get_score_table();$breakdown = array();
// Breakdown for the matches
$sql = “SELECT
) ASbreakdown_full
) ASbreakdown_toto
) ASbreakdown_goalbonus
) ASbreakdown_goaldiff
= {$ranking_id} ANDtype
= {$match}
GROUP BYuser_id
ORDER BYuser_id
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$breakdown[(int) $row[‘user_id’]] = array(
‘full’ => (int) $row[‘breakdown_full’],
‘toto’ => (int) $row[‘breakdown_toto’],
‘goalbonus’ => (int) $row[‘breakdown_goalbonus’],
‘goaldiff’ => (int) $row[‘breakdown_goaldiff’],
}// Add bonusquestion points
$sql = “SELECT
,COUNT( IF(score
> 0, 1, NULL ) ) ASbreakdown_question
) ASbreakdown_question_points
= {$ranking_id} ANDtype
= {$question}
GROUP BYuser_id
ORDER BYuser_id
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );foreach( $rows as $row ) {
$breakdown[(int) $row[‘user_id’]][‘question_correct’] = $row[‘breakdown_question’];
$breakdown[(int) $row[‘user_id’]][‘question_points’] = $row[‘breakdown_question_points’];
}wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $breakdown );
}return $breakdown;
}public static function change_params( $params, $league, $user, $ranking_id, $all_user_view, $type, $row ) {
$user_id = (int) $params[‘user_id’];
$breakdown = self::get_breakdown( $ranking_id );// set the params to 0
$params[‘breakdown_full’] = $params[‘breakdown_full_points’] = 0;
$params[‘breakdown_toto’] = $params[‘breakdown_toto_points’] = 0;
$params[‘breakdown_goalbonus’] = $params[‘breakdown_goalbonus_points’] = 0;
$params[‘breakdown_goaldiff’] = $params[‘breakdown_goaldiff_points’] = 0;
$params[‘breakdown_question’] = 0;
$params[‘breakdown_question_points’] = 0;if ( array_key_exists( $user_id, $breakdown ) ) {
$full = (int) Football_Pool_Utils::get_fp_option( ‘fullpoints’, FOOTBALLPOOL_FULLPOINTS, ‘int’ );
$toto = (int) Football_Pool_Utils::get_fp_option( ‘totopoints’, FOOTBALLPOOL_TOTOPOINTS, ‘int’ );
$goal = (int) Football_Pool_Utils::get_fp_option( ‘goalpoints’, FOOTBALLPOOL_GOALPOINTS, ‘int’ );
$diff = (int) Football_Pool_Utils::get_fp_option( ‘diffpoints’, FOOTBALLPOOL_DIFFPOINTS, ‘int’ );// check for matches
if ( array_key_exists( ‘full’, $breakdown[$user_id] ) ) {
$params[‘breakdown_full’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘full’];
$params[‘breakdown_full_points’] = $full * $breakdown[$user_id][‘full’];$params[‘breakdown_toto’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘toto’];
$params[‘breakdown_toto_points’] = $toto * $breakdown[$user_id][‘toto’];$params[‘breakdown_goalbonus’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘goalbonus’];
$params[‘breakdown_goalbonus_points’] = $goal * $breakdown[$user_id][‘goalbonus’];$params[‘breakdown_goaldiff’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘goaldiff’];
$params[‘breakdown_goaldiff_points’] = $diff * $breakdown[$user_id][‘goaldiff’];
}// check for questions
if ( array_key_exists( ‘question_correct’, $breakdown[$user_id] ) ) {
$params[‘breakdown_question’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘question_correct’];
$params[‘breakdown_question_points’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘question_points’];
}return $params;
}add_filter( ‘plugins_loaded’, array( ‘FootballPoolExtensionRankingScoreBreakdown’, ‘init_extension’ ) );
Antoine, maybe you can upgrade this “score breakdown plugin” to show points from “different points per match type” plugin. I made it just for full and toto:
line 114:
full) AS
) ASbreakdown_full_sum
) ASbreakdown_toto
) ASbreakdown_toto_sum
`line 128:
'full' => (int) $row['breakdown_full'], 'full_sum' => (int) $row['breakdown_full_sum'], 'toto' => (int) $row['breakdown_toto'], 'toto_sum' => (int) $row['breakdown_toto_sum']
line 177:
`if ( array_key_exists( ‘full’, $breakdown[$user_id] ) ) {
$params[‘breakdown_full’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘full’];
// $params[‘breakdown_full_points’] = $full * $breakdown[$user_id][‘full’];
$params[‘breakdown_full_points’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘full_sum’];$params[‘breakdown_toto’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘toto’];
// $params[‘breakdown_toto_points’] = $toto * $breakdown[$user_id][‘toto’];
$params[‘breakdown_toto_points’] = $breakdown[$user_id][‘toto_sum’];
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
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