Hello, @mhmadfarooq
Thank you for your question.
Unfortunately, however, it may be difficult to solve this problem completely.
Because basically this plugin’s favorites list requires PHP (“WP_Query”) and does not work with static HTML.
I just tested it using “Simply Static”.
If there is a possibility, that the logged in users cannot be handled, but that the folder and index.html of the favorites list can be placed on the same level as “/wp-admin/” in the domain where WordPress (“/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”) resides (/ favorites/index.html).
In addition, the HTML code for “/favorites/index.html” needs to be adjusted.
var CCC_MY_FAVORITE_LIST = {"api": "https://your_wordpress_domain/admin-ajax.php",
In my case, after exporting with “Simply Static”, the “://” was missing, as in
var CCC_MY_FAVORITE_LIST = {"api": "httpsyour_wordpress_domain",
, so I had to fix it.
Static HTML needed to run on the same domain and root as WordPress (https://your_wordpress_domain
In my brief testing, these methods seem to work, albeit in a limited way.