static HTML to WP questions
I have been learning WP for sometime on my own ( a great deal from this forum ) . I have done two hobby projects using page builders but have never hand coded a complete site on WP and did’nt get an opportunity (yet) to see the backend of a WP site which is hand coded from scratch . I have recently got myself a project which needs to be done witout any page builder . Before I code the actual project I enrolled myself in a course where we convert a static HTML website to WP .The homepage of the static template has some text , slider etc .If anybody is interested I have a screencast of the HTML here :
.The instuctor had us create a theme with the index.php file like below :<?php get_header(); ?> <?php while(have_posts()){ the_post(); } ?> <!-- HTML of the static page --!> <div class="page-banner"> <div class="page-banner__bg-image" style="background-image: url(images/library-hero.jpg);"></div> <div class="page-banner__content container t-center c-white"> <h1 class="headline headline--large">Welcome!</h1> <h2 class="headline headline--medium">We think you’ll like it here.</h2> <h3 class="headline headline--small">Why don’t you check out the <strong>major</strong> you’re interested in?</h3> <a href="#" class="btn btn--large btn--blue">Find Your Major</a> </div> </div> <?php get_footer();?>
As you can see he had us copy and paste the static HTML of the template into the theme index.php .I am unsure if this is the correct way . I had posted a question asking about what is the best place to put in any static HTML content of a page in a WP site here : The answer by Joy seems to make sense . Here is part of his answer :
For your project, you should keep the look of the site (the theme) separate from
the data of the site (supplying About, Front page, Team pages). Years of experience has shown that putting it all in one package leads to trouble, especially if a site gets hacked, or when the user is ready for expansion or a new look.Following the process outlined in the course , if I later happen to uninstall the theme the content of my homepage would vanish . So my question is , is this process of having the HTML of each page in the index.php (or page.php etc in hierarchy ) like being taught in the course wrong or is it acceptable for professional projects ? or should I create a plugin ( perhaps use shortcodes or use the_content’ filter ) to show the HTML content of my pages ?
I can think of three places where the HTML can go 1) appropriate theme files – but then unistalling the theme will result them being gone 2) have it stored as the page/post content (using the editor ) 3) create a plugin (and show the HTML using shortoode or use the_content filter to inject the HTML ) . What would be the best practise ?
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