• help i seem to be doing a lot of reading but to no avail.
    all i want is a simple static page so that when someone selects my url they get what apears to be a website, no blogs nothing just a simple website home page , picture at the top and them maybe some text.
    i am really new to this whole web php thing.
    can some one show me or point me to a piece of code that i can muck around with to teach myself please. keep it simple when i get the hang of it i will modify it later.
    i just want to be able to create a website ??

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  • Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso


    I’ve tried hallsofmontezuma’s suggestion but I still get the div class=”post” information, so it still looks like a blog entry. I can format that text nicely, but I’d like to get rid of the “post” information (date, page title, author name).
    Any suggestions?

    all the post information is in the theme you are using, under probably the loop file or called a post file.

    the information is simply small pieces of codes that call on the different aspects of the post, they can be removed to leave a bare post with no information of its own showing except the post text itself.

    How can I remove that information and just leave the bare post? I’d also like to remove the Comment // Add Comment link at the bottom of the post.

    what theme are you using ?

    if you are using he default theme
    than under the single.php file you can remove or comment out all the <?php?> stuff that you don;t need, such the code under the postmetadata class

    i advise simply finding a theme that already uses minimal post information.
    or just making your own theme,

    u should try this guide very simple and easy to follow

    I’m using a theme I customized. It’s basically based on two or three themes, but mostly one called “Modern Interiors.” I have a good working knowledge of CSS and Photoshop so while it’s structurally just about the same (3 columns), I’ve completely changed the images and color of the text, as well as some of the positioning. The footer in the template file had a sponsored link, but when you looked at the code it was all encoded strangely. I didn’t quite understand how that worked so I stripped that out and used a different footer. I’m too far down the road to change my theme with this project, although I do plan on doing at least two other WordPress projects and will keep that suggestion in mind for those.

    Anyways, I’d like to keep the post information I mentioned as is on the blog portion. I’d like to enhance that information as well, adding a picture of the author next to the author’s name (any suggestions on that?).

    After doing a bit of research, I think I know an approach I’ll take. I’ve been trying to find a plug-in that can customize the stylesheets on each individual page. First, not only do I need to get rid of the post info text, but also the image of the rounded box that is part of main content div has a little color box where the post date goes, so I’ll need change that on the stylesheet to one that just has the rounded edges.

    I’ve been trying to avoid digging around the PHP to do what I’d like to do but I’m beginning to think that might be unavoidable. I’ll take a look at the link you have above.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    Use a home.php file in your theme. This will get called instead of index.php when somebody accesses you site like https://example.com. This file can be pure HTML if you want to.

    Then, in that file, it’s up to you to put the links you want, including one to your blog (e.g. your theme index.php )

    Hopes that helps! I’m nearly as new to WP as you but have a bit of PHP experience though!

    yeah don’t worry PHP will not bite you, i was always scared of playing around wit the PHP code but its nothing to worry about, most WP themes are well organized and you can see where each component is easily and remove or change them with ease. with the author picture, that could be done through gravatar, like how comment systems get the commenters email and match it with their gravatar account to get the avatar shown. check out their site https://en.gravatar.com/site/implement

    I actually heard the PHP code snarling at me, so I backed off a bit…

    These suggestions get me going in the right direction, I really appreciate them.

    I’d like to leave the sidebar info the same on the home page as it is in the rest of the site. So far I have just a home page and a blog set up (it’s just residing on my home computer right now, but I plan to go live by the end of the week). I plan on creating a few other static pages in the near future, but for now I’m eager to go live.

    Thanks again.

    Since the home.php page lives in your theme folder and is recognized by WP, you can simply add this line to get your sidebar

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

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