• I have an html website https://www.ceconn.com
    I have a blog: https://www.ceconn.com/canwetalk
    I am in the process of creating a static front page.
    C:\Documents and Settings\Erika\My Documents\Business Backup\Web Page\WordPress\static_front_page.html
    You can’t see it can you?
    Across the top of the page is a view of Toronto. It actually looks quite nice, I think. I’d like to keep it. And I also like the colours.
    How can I have this page work with my blog and my html website? My aim is to have all of the various pages, blogs and webpages under one roof, as it were.
    I’ve read “Integrating WordPress”. Not sure I understand it.
    Are you saying that just by adding the following will turn my html into a php?

    $homepage = get_settings(‘https://canwetalk.ceconn.com&#8217;).”/home/”;
    global $wp; $wp_received_argument = false;
    foreach ($wp->query_vars as $k=>$v) if ($v) $wp_received_argument = true;

    if ($wp_received_argument) require(TEMPLATEPATH . “/index.php”);
    else {

    Ideally, I wouldn’t want my front page to look too foreign from my blog. I’d probably like to add the orange to the front page. I think I have the darker blue spot-on. Maybe integrating the lighter shade would also help to unify it.
    I’m babbling. Sorry.
    I’d also like to add that canwetalk blog is Andreas 04-2.0 and that I also like Andreas 09.
    I’d like the sidebars of the Andreas09, I think.

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