• Hello everyone,

    I’ve just installed WordPress on this domain name:


    As you can see, I’ve used a static front page. What I want to know is how to I also make it where the blog exists also. I know I can go into Options->Reading-> and change the page for posts, but what page do I change it to?

    Thanks for the help

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  • Make an empty Page (in Write > Write Page), give it a title, e.g. Blog – and select it as your “posts page”. Done.

    I just wanted to point out that the solution MOSHU writes about is the solution. Its simple. Too simple. So obvious I missed it and so have many others who use this forum.

    Just to clarify for others. To designate the empty page as the “posts page” there is a setting in Options > Reading just below the setting to make static page the front page.

    Thanks MOSHU

    Is there a way to do this without creating a Page template?

    I’m working on a client’s site and there are a lot of Pages… I don’t want them to muck around with the Page for the blog posts.

    Page or Page template?
    I am not able to follow your question.

    I have a static page setup… but I need a link to recent blog posts since the root points to the static page. It is my understanding, the only way to do that is to create an empty “Page” and apply a template that pulls in recent entries. Normally, I’d be fine with that… but it is for a client. A client with a lot of Pages… that could accidentally delete an empty Page…

    Is there a way to point to all categories (index.php?cat=…)? That would certainly do it.

    Ok, so if you have permalinks set up… you can point to https://www.example.com/category/ and that will get you there.

    But what if you don’t have permalinks?

    i would like to have both!

    first a static page and then below, the blog starts further down! How can i do this?

    Static content

    Zooloo99 – you will need to create a special template for your static page that serves as your homepage.

    Check out:

    Use query_posts() to pull in the latest entries, after your Page content:


    You are totally misunderstanding how the “frontpage” and “posts page” things work in your admin > Options > Reading.
    Just select
    a) ONE Page for front
    b) ANOTHER Page for posts and you are done.
    Forget the code, you don’t need any trick – WP does it for you.

    you need to read this tutorial.

    No I didn’t… what I described is exactly what you just linked to…

    Unless you are referring to my problem, not Zooloo99’s. Of which, I specifically stated I did not want to use a Page. Hence, my problem.

    Hi guys, just to let you know that if you’re using a custom php file name home.php the blog will always be on the home.php whatever you do to it. I suggest creating a splash.php file as template for splash thus your blog page will use you index.php in the end.

    This is maybe a bit more info but i stumbled on this problem today and wanted to share the fix.


    What purpose does a ‘dummy page’ for the page-for-posts provide?

    The dummy page concept appears to be broken and a source of confusion. Custom fields on the page-for-posts page are unavailable to themes, unlike all other static pages. (The same is true of the page’s content.)

    Can anyone suggest a workaround that allows custom fields (and content), set in the page-for-posts page, to be accessed by themes?

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