• Hello there,

    I am currently trying to figure out how to setup my footer and i am using static blocks to do it ( came with the theme ).

    What i am trying to do is add as a text block in the footer menu the following : <p><?php wp_loginout(); ?></p>

    Although it won’t accept it or if it does it won’t display the button on the front page.

    If i try to add that code as text widget it displays fine but is not in the place where i want it to be displayed which is in a column below the rest of the footer menu.

    Any one know how to add a function via static blocks?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    If the footer menu is displayed with wp_nav_menu(), you can use the ‘wp_nav_menu’ filter to add extra HTML to the end of the menu output. You would need to check the passed $args array to determine if the filter fired for a footer menu or something else.

    wp_loginout() actually outputs a link, though it can be styled to appear as a button.

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