• Resolved joncon62


    I have a vendor who’s stripe payments (via cards) are failing, it is a newly created Stripe account. The error in the log is

    2024-01-08T19:45:06+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.8.1====
    ====Start Log====
    Error: stdClass Object
        [error] => stdClass Object
                [message] => The statement_descriptor parameter is not supported for the payment_method_type card. To continue supporting payment_method_type card, please pass in statement_descriptor_suffix or remove the statement_descriptor parameter altogether. Please see https://support.stripe.com/questions/use-of-the-statement-descriptor-parameter-on-paymentintents-for-card-charges for additional details.
                [request_log_url] => {removed}
                [type] => invalid_request_error

    Where are the statement_descriptor and statement_descriptor_suffix set? I can’t see any settings related to this in the plugin. I have other vendors with older Stripe accounts and they are working fine.

    Any ideas what’s going on?

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  • Plugin Support Shameem R. a11n


    Hi @joncon62

    The error you’re experiencing is due to a change in Stripe’s API. The statement_descriptor parameter is no longer supported for card payments.

    Unfortunately, these settings are not directly editable from the WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway plugin’s settings page.

    Could you please try adding this code to your child theme’s functions.php? This might resolve the issue.

    add_filter( 'wc_stripe_payment_metadata', 'custom_wc_stripe_payment_metadata', 10, 3 );
    function custom_wc_stripe_payment_metadata( $metadata, $order, $prepared_source ) {
    $metadata['statement_descriptor_suffix'] = 'Your Suffix'; // Replace 'Your Suffix' with your desired suffix.
    unset( $metadata['statement_descriptor'] ); // This line removes the statement_descriptor parameter.
    return $metadata;

    Let us know how that goes. If you’re still experiencing problems, feel free to open an issue on our GitHub repo. Our developer will happily check it out and provide you with further insights.

    Looking forward to helping you.

    Thread Starter joncon62


    Thanks for your quick reply and the snippet. Are you sure that the [statement_descriptor] and [statement_descriptor_suffix] live in the $metadata? Looking at the log they are defined one level up.

    I think I need a different filter.

    2024-01-08T19:45:06+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.8.1====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents request: Array
        [amount] => 1000
        [currency] => gbp
        [description] => Snappy Tickets - Order 35759
        [metadata] => Array
                [customer_name] => {removed}
                [customer_email] => {removed}
                [order_id] => 35759
                [site_url] => https://snappytickets.co.uk
        [capture_method] => manual
        [payment_method_types] => Array
                [0] => card
        [payment_method] => {removed}
        [customer] => {removed}
        [statement_descriptor] => Snappy Tickets
    ====End Log====
    2024-01-08T19:45:06+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.8.1====
    ====Start Log====
    Error: stdClass Object
        [error] => stdClass Object
                [message] => The statement_descriptor parameter is not supported for the payment_method_type card. To continue supporting payment_method_type card, please pass in statement_descriptor_suffix or remove the statement_descriptor parameter altogether. Please see https://support.stripe.com/questions/use-of-the-statement-descriptor-parameter-on-paymentintents-for-card-charges for additional details.
                [request_log_url] => {removed}
                [type] => invalid_request_error


    Hello @joncon62,

    Thank you for sharing the logs!

    Since this is due to an API change from Stripe, I’ll be discussing it with the rest of the team to confirm whether it’s something we need to address.

    In the meantime, could you please let us know if you experience the same behaviour when enabling the ‘New Checkout Experience’ from WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Stripe → Advanced settings?

    Look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thread Starter joncon62


    It looks like I can’t use the New checkout experience because I’m using the following snippet to allow me to use multiple Stripe accounts (vendors) in one woocommerce installation.


    On the checkout page I get an Unhandled payment Element loaderror in the console when I enable the New Checkout Experience.

    This snippet has been working well for years but just threw up the statement_descriptor error recently on a newly created Stripe account (vendor).

    Hi there @joncon62 ??

    I’d best to reach out to the snippet’s support channel, in this case, as they would be in a better position to assist you.

    I’ll go ahead with linking to our Support Policy here, for reference.

    Thread Starter joncon62


    I don’t think the snippet has anything to do with the statement_descriptor problem. That’s due to the fact that at some point I must have specified it in the settings and I can no longer edit it as that option has been removed.

    I have now fixed the problem by editing the option in phpMyAdmin.

    This will no doubt affect other users too so I think you need to address this.

    Thanks for the help so far.

    Plugin Support Shameem R. a11n


    Hi @joncon62,

    I’m glad you were able to find a solution to your inquiry here and thanks for sharing it with the community too! ??

    I will mark this thread as resolved. Should you have further inquiries, kindly create a new topic here.


    Plugin Support Aashik P – a11n


    Hi there!

    I understand this topic is marked as resolved now, but the statement_descriptor error here is now reported as a bug: Use statement_descriptor_suffix when making card payments.

    Please subscribe to the GitHub issue to track progress on the bug fix.



    @joncon62 hi, I have the same issue, could you please share your solution?
    What did you do in phpMyAdmin?
    I appreciate any of your help.

    Thread Starter joncon62


    Hi @sev,

    All I did was search for statement_descriptor which you will find in the wp_options table and the option name is woocommerce_stripe_settings.

    I then edited woocommerce_stripe_settings and blanked out the statement_descriptor so it looks like this:


    Backup your database first or test it out on a localhost if you have that capability.



    Hi @joncon62,
    Thank you for sharing so much.
    By the way, there is another way for this issue I tried and succeeded.
    Have a nice day.

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