• Resolved myroxie


    I’m making a calendar for a reunion week that begins and ends in May-June. The audience is very unsavvy technically, and may not be able to figure out how to advance the calendar to the month where all the activities are listed. \

    Is there a way to set it up so that it opens to May, 2013?

    Also, I can no longer get the [eventlist] shortcode to display all the events on the calendar. I entered it in html view, and an event list shows up, just not the same list as is entered in the calendar. I have removed the Events view page so it’s nowhere to be seen at the moment (because it didn’t work). https://bmcreunion50-1963.com/reunion-details/calendar/


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  • I did this by modifying the defaults in the ajax-event-calendar.php file around line 681 (below). I changed the month and year to set values. I also set the nav and views properties. You may have to redo this if the plugin is updated…

    function render_shortcode_calendar($atts) {
    ‘categories’ => ”,
    ‘excluded’ => 0,
    ‘filter’ => ‘all’,
    ‘month’ => 6,//date(‘m’),
    ‘year’ => 2013,//date(‘Y’),
    ‘view’ => ‘month’,
    ‘views’ => ”,//month
    ‘nav’ => null,//’prev,next, today’,
    ‘height’ => ”,
    ‘scroll’ => 0,
    ‘mini’ => 0
    ), $atts));

    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    No need to change the code, see the options documentation.

    Thread Starter myroxie


    Thank you. Elegantly simple.

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