• Hello All,

    I was just wondering if WP’s Rich Text Editor (Tiny MCE I think) is xhtml 1.1 strict compliant? I just ran my blog through the W3C validator and it failed miserably… I’ve not modified my template in any way, and was wondering if this is caused by TinyMCE’s output?

    I’d be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction to look at!


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  • Let’s get serious here.
    Whoever is concerned of xhtml strict… should never even go close to that freaking wysiwyg editor. That’s for code illiterates. Period.

    And the validator says clearly what your errors are: using deprecated elements for your doctype (mostly because of tinymce) and wrong entities (because of ad links).

    You’ll need to hand code your posts if you want to validate with a Strict Doctype. Another point is it doesn’t output HTML, only XHTML which doesn’t suit me either as I write HTML Strict only.

    It is possible to get xhtml strict output with some configuring, take a look at: https://londen.se/standards-compliant-tinymce/.

    Only drawback is that you need to hack a couple of core files (just a few lines) to get it to work. A plugin of this would be great!

    If you want to know more you can find our email address at our website.

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