Hi iavinash. Just a point of clarification. When I stated:
If the Standard Blog option is On, it will display all categories in that format. If it is Off, only the “Job” category will use that format.
I was referring to the Theme Options > Blog > Standard Blog List option, not the option test in the php “if” statement. The way you have the php test now:
( ot_get_option('blog-standard') == 'off'
means that if you have the Theme Option set to Off, that part of the “if” test is true so every page will use the standard blog layout, which I don’t think is what you’re after. The php option test should still be:
( ot_get_option('blog-standard') == 'on'
This way you can control the rest of the site using the Theme Option. When you turn the Theme Option On, that part of the “if” test is true so it will apply the standard blog layout to all pages. If you set the Theme Option to Off, that part of the “if” test will fail, so it checks the next part of the “if” test. If the page is one of the categories you specify, that part of the “if” test will be true so it will use the standard blog layout for that category. If it’s not one of the categories you specify, then both parts of the “if” test are false, so the default content layout is used.
Hope that makes sense and sorry for any confusion.