i believe i am in the same situation as the original poster. I am looking to use this plugin in the context of a small church library.
I don’t know if you take feature requests, but maybe if there would be a way to add username and password fields to each Patron profile (or maybe a unique ID number), then a user could login from the front-end, and perhaps scan a book with a barcode scanner, and check it out or in him/herself. This would be great for small church libraries that are not always staffed. If a Patron would only be able to check in/check out books for himself (and not for any Patron in the list, like a ‘Volunteer’ could), that would be more secure.
(I think you might actually have a good number of people using your plugin for church libraries. After all, a public library or school probably would be using high-end software, or subscription services. This plugin is perfect for churches that are trying to create an online catalog on a budget. And incidentally, the one Youtube video I found on this plugin was using it in the context of a church.)
In any case, you’ve created a great thing here. I appreciate everything it can do.