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  • Yes, I have the same problem Jay.

    Thread Starter readab


    Hope this gets seen then as really need to sort it out

    Having the same issue. All the other page plugins work perfectly but this particular one doesn’t seem to work.

    Plugin Author theverylastperson


    Hey all,

    Sorry I’ve been absent for a couple weeks, the old grind stone at the salt mill has been keeping me busy. I’ll take a good look at it before I release 1.2.5, which will hopefully be in the next week.

    I’m on my mobile at the moment, but I’ll try to log on tomorrow evening and see if I can issue a quick patch to the developer version.

    Plugin Author theverylastperson


    I’m an idiot. I should have caught this a long time ago. Sorry for the problem eveyone.

    Instead of [staff_page] try using [-staff_page-]

    That should solve your problem.

    Alternatively you can go to plugins->car-demon->car-demon.php
    Then go to line #182 and #184 change [-staff_page-] to [staff_page]

    Method two is the better method because everything between lines #157 and #187 are going away in a future release and that includes all the “shortcodes” that have dashes, just FYI.

    Hi Jay,

    I changed lines 182 and 184 to [staff_page] as you suggested above. I have contact information filled out in contacts. And I have the short code [staff_page] on a page. Now, when I go to the page, I don’ see the written shortcode – it is blank.

    Where do we import information for Staff that will show up on the Staff Page?

    Plugin Author theverylastperson


    All you need to do is add each staff member as a ‘contributor’ or higher. Then when you view the edit profile page you’ll see a segment titled “Extra Profile Information”. Edit that information as needed for each staff member.

    If you run into bumps let me know.

    Hi Jay,
    That did the trick. I get a customized banner, a customized image for the slider, and the staff page is working now.

    Beautiful! Car dealers and car salesmen should see the value in it.

    Thanks a lot.

    One thing I would suggest is a some sort of UI of entering info into the slider description field to make it easier on the user. The Line code ” ” does not appear to work properly; And the P tag ads an extra blank line where not necessary.


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