• Resolved pumpkineater


    The HTTP response test get an error “SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate” when trying to run a batch job

    This has nothing to do with the cURL version installed on the server as it has been updated to the current release (which solved previous problems with BackWPUp when uploading to Dropbox)

    I had to reverse to BackWPUp 3.0.13 to be able to run a job


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  • Thread Starter pumpkineater


    Hello Daniel

    Unfortunately, this is not a workaround for me.
    I tried last january something simular (add_filter( 'backwpup_cacert_bundle', '__return_false', -1000 ); ) when I had the issue with dropbox and the old curl lib (< 2.3.5) on the host server.

    I tried curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE );
    in inc/class-destination-dropbox.php which is not making a difference (and not wise to disable all ssl verification anyway) BTW Is curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3 ); really required?

    Well, I might have to save my self signed certificate to pem format and somehow point curl to it since I cannot use cacert.pem.
    I don’t know (yet) exactly how to do this in the BackWPUp source code , I guess in curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) ); or something like.

    My problems are getting worse since newer releases of both WP and BackWPUp:
    BackWPUp 3.08 is still working fine for me on WP 3.9.1 MU (dropbox , local folder e.a.).
    BackWPUp 3.0.13 introduced the dropbox issue, but with 3.1.2 I cannot even use a local host folder as destination for a job :

    The HTTP response test get an error “SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate”

    I Haven’t looked at inc/class-destination-folder.php yet for differences with previous of BackWPUp …

    Any other suggestions?


    The HTTP response test get an error “SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate”

    Problem has nothing to do with Dropbox!

    We have to thiks where certs are neede for on is the communiction to destinations. In that cas BAckWPup bing the most certs by itself.

    The other is th job start prozesse if your website will run over https.
    The job start dos hat http request to the server itselv over http(s) and the mesage you have submittet will be this case.

    For what its worth, this worked for me – I’m using WP 4.0.1 and Backwpup 3.1.2

    It works for Server with a self singnt Certificate. IT is a general thnik for WordPress and not only for BackWPup. The Dropbox SSL Probelm schould be solved.

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