Hello Daniel
Unfortunately, this is not a workaround for me.
I tried last january something simular (add_filter( 'backwpup_cacert_bundle', '__return_false', -1000 );
) when I had the issue with dropbox and the old curl lib (< 2.3.5) on the host server.
I tried curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE );
in inc/class-destination-dropbox.php
which is not making a difference (and not wise to disable all ssl verification anyway) BTW Is curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3 );
really required?
Well, I might have to save my self signed certificate to pem format and somehow point curl to it since I cannot use cacert.pem.
I don’t know (yet) exactly how to do this in the BackWPUp source code , I guess in curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, BackWPup::get_plugin_data( 'cacert' ) );
or something like.
My problems are getting worse since newer releases of both WP and BackWPUp:
BackWPUp 3.08 is still working fine for me on WP 3.9.1 MU (dropbox , local folder e.a.).
BackWPUp 3.0.13 introduced the dropbox issue, but with 3.1.2 I cannot even use a local host folder as destination for a job :
The HTTP response test get an error “SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate”
I Haven’t looked at inc/class-destination-folder.php
yet for differences with previous of BackWPUp …
Any other suggestions?