Square rejecting orders with gift cards
Hello, we are using gift cards (Yith) on our WooCommerce website, and every so often, Square will completely reject an order using a gift card and gives the “value_too_low” status. Which I’d understand if the order value was less than the minimum $1, but it’s always the case that the final total is $3, $9 etc. and it will still reject it. On top of that, it seems to occur completely at random. 80% of the time, it will go through fine, but on occasion it gives us the value too low. Any insight into why this might be happening?
Hi there @sonofkoji,
Thanks for reaching out!
To look into the issue further, could you please provide us with:
– Square payment logs. To enable Square payment debug, please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Square > change Debug Mode to Save To Log: https://d.pr/i/QYoh7E
If it was enabled before, please navigate to WooCommerce > Status > Logs > choose
log file for the day when the issue happened, find logs for the affected order, and share it here: https://d.pr/i/tkTtEHIf it wasn’t enabled, please activate it and wait for a real order to fail if it doesn’t happen every time.
Please make sure to redact any personal information from the logs before sharing them anywhere publicly.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hello, thanks so much for reaching out! We are in our busiest time of year, so your expediency is appreciated.
I was able to replicate the behavior in our staging environment also. This uses sandbox credentials and credit card, but the same error is occurring. The orders using gift card that throw the value too low error – which again isn’t all of them – if I replicate them down to the last product in the cart, it will throw the error every time.
I did notice if I switch to PayPal, Stripe, etc. as processor and test, it doesn’t produce the same errors and the order goes through fine.
The “share it here” link above takes me to a photo, so here’s an excerpt from the log of one of the orders that returned the error:
Array ( [digital_wallet_type] => NONE [card_brand] => VISA [last_4] => [exp_month] => [exp_year] => [billing_postal_code] => ) 12-17-2020 @ 19:58:21 - Request method: uri: createOrderWithHttpInfo/WYKDE0ZAF9N42 user-agent: WooCommerce-Square/2.2.5 (WooCommerce/3.9.2; WordPress/5.5.3) headers: Array ( ) body: { "order": { "reference_id": "6432", "customer_id": "5YAQ9NGD40YJH2XPWR4G0CKBAG", "line_items": [ { "name": "Caramel Peanut - Small Bag", "quantity": "1", "applied_taxes": [ { "tax_uid": "5fdc0cbcc66e7" }, { "tax_uid": "5fdc0cbcc672f" } ], "base_price_money": { "amount": 995, "currency": "USD" } }, { "name": "Light Caramel - Medium Bag", "quantity": "1", "applied_taxes": [ { "tax_uid": "5fdc0cbcc66e7" }, { "tax_uid": "5fdc0cbcc672f" } ], "base_price_money": { "amount": 1295, "currency": "USD" } }, { "name": "Toffee Almond - Junior Bag", "quantity": "1", "applied_taxes": [ { "tax_uid": "5fdc0cbcc66e7" }, { "tax_uid": "5fdc0cbcc672f" } ], "base_price_money": { "amount": 695, "currency": "USD" } }, { "name": "Extra Butter - 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Request method: uri: updateOrderWithHttpInfo/WYKDE0ZAF9N42/Rz4l4TP4AZon4oYvs5yWhwddlTOZY user-agent: WooCommerce-Square/2.2.5 (WooCommerce/3.9.2; WordPress/5.5.3) headers: Array ( ) body: { "order": { "discounts": [ { "name": "Adjustment", "type": "FIXED_AMOUNT", "amount_money": { "amount": 5337, "currency": "USD" }, "scope": "ORDER" } ], "version": 1 }, "idempotency_key": "21b7ec641a594e60ecd7fdbb1308c2eb:6432_01" } duration: 0.37109s 12-17-2020 @ 19:58:21 - Response code: 200 message: headers: Array ( [0] => HTTP/2 200 [date] => Fri, 18 Dec 2020 01:58:21 GMT [frame-options] => DENY [x-frame-options] => DENY [x-content-type-options] => nosniff [x-xss-protection] => 1; mode=block [content-type] => application/json;charset=utf-8 [square-version] => 2019-08-14 [vary] => Accept-Encoding, User-Agent [content-length] => 8099 [strict-transport-security] => max-age=631152000; includeSubDomains; preload ) body: { "order": { "id": "Rz4l4TP4AZon4oYvs5yWhwddlTOZY", "location_id": "WYKDE0ZAF9N42", "reference_id": "6432", "source": { "name": "Sandbox for sq0idp-ws4mDOkz4bllPfk2Z030rg" }, "customer_id": "5YAQ9NGD40YJH2XPWR4G0CKBAG", "line_items": [ { "uid": "Yk4SuY8YUBOzCm5YExmgyB", "name": "Caramel Peanut - 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Status code VALUE_TOO_LOW: total requested amount 0 is below the minimum allowed
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
If even a quick fix is possible, some code I may be able to add or modify, that would be fantastic!
Hi there!
Can you please confirm if you’re using
YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Premium: by YITH
?I’m asking because I’m seeing a similar report from another user in our internal ticket queue (#3588322).
Hi there!
Cross-checking the logs it seems the internal ticket is for the site in question here.
I’ll mark this topic as solved for now, so that we can continue discussing it in one place.
Please feel free to open a new topic if you have any other questions.
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
- The topic ‘Square rejecting orders with gift cards’ is closed to new replies.