• SQL/DB Error —
    [Table ‘wordpress.wp_options’ doesn’t exist]
    uh, wtf ?? I created the db ‘wordpress’ in mysql for windows xp pro. that’s the only error that’s showing when i view the index.php of the main directory of the blog. anyone know that to do or how to create this ‘db’ ????? i am currently using ‘wordpress’ as db in the mysql dos prompt

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  • $table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // eg ‘wp_’ or ‘b2’ or ‘mylogin_’
    I’m using blog as my prefix:
    $tableoptions = blogb2. ‘options’;
    $tableoptiontypes = blogb2. ‘optiontypes’;
    $tableoptionvalues = blogb2. ‘optionvalues’;
    $tableoptiongroups = blogb2. ‘optiongroups’;
    $tableoptiongroup_options = blogb2. ‘optiongroup_options’;
    Please check to make sure you have wordpress as your prefix on the config file. ??

    So I’ve spent many hours playing with my script and my database. I feel as though I’m doing everything right, but it isn’t working out.
    What I’ve Done So Far

    1. I downloaded the files from WP to my computer.
    2. I read through the readme
    3. Edited wp-config, and I think I did it correctly. Could be wrong on that. See further down for the code
    4. Created a database on my server, called “blog” (with the server’s prefix, “sjwbauer_blog”)
    5. Added my username and password to the database
    6. Uploaded WP folders and files onto server, into a folder called “blog”
    7. CHmodded weblogs.com file
    8. Tried many different iteration
    9. Searched for rhyme and/or reason to it all.

    What I Haven’t Done So Far
    To my knowledge, I haven’t changed any of the .php or .html files, apart from wp-config.php.
    My Setup
    I’m using WP 7.2. I can post my config file if that will help.
    My Config File

    /** WordPress's config file **/
    // ** MySQL settings **
    define('DB_NAME', 'sjwbauer_blog'); // The name of the database - had been wordpress
    define('DB_USER', 'sjwbauer_charlie'); // Your MySQL username - had been username
    define('DB_PASSWORD', '**********'); // ...and password - had been password
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value
    // Database tables' names
    // Change them if you want to have multiple blogs in a single database.
    // If you already have custom names leave table_prefix empty and just
    // edit the names.
    $table_prefix = ''; // eg 'wp_' or 'b2' or 'mylogin_' - maybe this should be sjwbauer_
    $tableposts = $table_prefix . 'posts';
    $tableusers = $table_prefix . 'users';
    $tablesettings = $table_prefix . 'settings'; // only used during upgrade
    $tablecategories = $table_prefix . 'categories';
    $tablecomments = $table_prefix . 'comments';
    $tablelinks = $table_prefix . 'links';
    $tablelinkcategories = $table_prefix . 'linkcategories';
    $tableoptions = $table_prefix . 'options';
    $tableoptiontypes = $table_prefix . 'optiontypes';
    $tableoptionvalues = $table_prefix . 'optionvalues';
    $tableoptiongroups = $table_prefix . 'optiongroups';
    $tableoptiongroup_options = $table_prefix . 'optiongroup_options';
    // This is the name of the include directory. No "/" allowed.
    $b2inc = 'b2-include';
    /* Stop editing */
    $HTTP_HOST = getenv('HTTP_HOST'); /* domain name */
    $REMOTE_ADDR = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); /* visitor's IP */
    $HTTP_USER_AGENT = getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); /* visitor's browser */
    $server = DB_HOST;
    $loginsql = DB_USER;
    $passsql = DB_PASSWORD;
    $base = DB_NAME;
    $abspath = dirname(__FILE__).'/';
    // pull in the day and month translations and the smilies

    The Warnings I’m Receiving
    When I try to load “….net/blog/”

    1. SQL/DB Error —
    2. [Table ‘sjwbauer_blog.options’ doesn’t exist]
    Parse error: parse error, expecting ','' or ‘;” in /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/b2-include/b2template.functions.php on line 1363
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add_filter() in /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/b2-include/b2vars.php on line 277

    When I try to load “….net/blog/wp-admin”

    (It automatically loads wp-admin/b2edit.php and gives me everything above, plus …)
    Parse error: parse error, expecting ','' or ‘;” in /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/b2-include/b2template.functions.php on line 1363
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/b2-include/wp-db.php:93) in /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/wp-admin/b2verifauth.php on line 37
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/b2-include/wp-db.php:93) in /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/wp-admin/b2verifauth.php on line 38
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/b2-include/wp-db.php:93) in /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/wp-admin/b2verifauth.php on line 39
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/b2-include/wp-db.php:93) in /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/wp-admin/b2verifauth.php on line 40
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/b2-include/wp-db.php:93) in /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/wp-admin/b2verifauth.php on line 44

    Thanks so much for your help. My guess is that I’ve whacked something out in the config file, but I’m new at this, and don’t know what’s up.

    I tried that, and I got this:
    Parse error: parse error in /home/sjwbauer/public_html/blog/wp-admin/wp-install.php on line 692

    now, this error is out of my expertise (??)
    just recheck ur config file for any spaces and stuff.
    also, u sure u have the required versions for php and mySQL?
    Just confirming…

    Thanks for your help.
    I’ve got PHP4 … I’m pretty sure it’s above 4.0.6 and MySQL is 4.0.15.

    I am getting the same error message when I try to install WP.
    Both versions of PHP and SQL exceed the requirements.
    “SQL/DB Error:
    [Table ‘xavnet_news.wp_options’ doesn’t exist]”
    I have tried changing the table prefix but just get the same error with a new prefix.
    I have tried installing WP on two separate domains and servers and get the same errors on both locations.
    Anyone have a fix to this problem?

    This looks similar to something I’m seeing when installing the CVS. (which WP version are you using?) If CVS, running the upgrade script (wp-admin/upgrade-072-to-080.php) corrects the problem.

    Thanks Cena – I was using the cvs version and when I just ignored the error messages in the install process I got an installed WP but there were still lots of errors on the index page. I then did the upgrade thing and that fixed those problems.

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