• Hello guys, I came across some issues while exporting my DB to do some text replacements and when re-uploading the SQL I came accross:

    -- Dumping data for table <code>wp_itsec_lockouts</code>
    INSERT INTO <code>wp_itsec_lockouts</code> (<code>lockout_id</code>, <code>lockout_type</code>, <code>lockout_start</code>, <code>lockout_start_gmt</code>, <code>lockout_expire</code>, <code>lockout_expire_gmt</code>, <code>lockout_host</code>, <code>lockout_user</code>, <code>lockout_username</code>, <code>lockout_active</code>) VALUES
    (180, 'brute_force', '2014-08-20 16:04:10', '2014-08-20 16:04:10', '2014-08-20 16:19:10', '2014-08-20 16:19:10', '', 0, NULL, 1), [through 185]
    (185, 'brute_forc[...]
    and the error:
    #1062 - Duplicate entry '180' for key 'PRIMARY'

    It seems that I may have to completely remove iThemes to do this sort of SQL swap?


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