spurious html in source code
I have two sites that are basically copies of each other that I am trying this plugin on. One is the actual site and one is a test version.
On the test site it works great. On the actual site there is the issue of no thumbnails and the video extending beyond its container.
The thumbnails are in the source code, they just do not display.
In trying to determine why it works on one site and not the other I have compared the source code of the pages.
On the working version the source code of the js and css looks clean, but on the non-working version it has lots of <p> and </p> throughout. The source code of the non-working version also includes in-document CSS that the working version does not include.
Here’s the source code from the non-working version – please note all of the <p> and <p/>…
<p> <!-- End Gallery --> </p> <p> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript"></p> <p> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){</p> <p> $('#vimeography-gallery-1').fitVids();</p> <p> $('#vimeography-gallery-1 .vimeography-main').spin('custom');</p> <p> $('#vimeography-gallery-1 .vimeography-thumbnails').flexslider({ animation: "slide", namespace: 'vimeography-bugsauce-', controlNav: false, animationLoop: false, slideshow: false, itemWidth: 186, itemMargin: 8, useCSS: false, prevText: "<span></span>", nextText: "<span></span>" });</p> <p> $('#vimeography-gallery-1 .vimeography-thumbnails li').first().addClass('vimeography-bugsauce-active-slide');</p> <p> $('#vimeography-gallery-1 .vimeography-thumbnails img').click(function(e) { var id = $(this).attr('data-id'); var src = 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/'+id+'?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0&api=1&player_id=vimeography-embed-1';</p> <p> $('.vimeography-bugsauce-active-slide').removeClass('vimeography-bugsauce-active-slide'); $(this).parent().addClass('vimeography-bugsauce-active-slide');</p> <p> $('#vimeography-embed-1').animate({'opacity':0}, 300, 'linear', function(){ $(this).attr('src', src); $(this).load(function(){ $(this).animate({'opacity':1}, 300); }); });</p> <p> e.preventDefault();</p> <p> });</p> <p> }); })(jQuery)</p> <p></script> </p> <style type="text/css"> <p> #vimeography-gallery-1.vimeography-bugsauce .vimeography-thumbnails .slides li.vimeography-bugsauce-active-slide img { border-color: #0088CC; } #vimeography-gallery-1.vimeography-bugsauce .vimeography-thumbnails .slides li img { border-color: #0088CC; } #vimeography-gallery-1.vimeography-bugsauce .vimeography-bugsauce-direction-nav a.vimeography-bugsauce-prev span { border-right-color: #000000; } #vimeography-gallery-1.vimeography-bugsauce .vimeography-bugsauce-direction-nav a.vimeography-bugsauce-next span { border-left-color: #000000; } #vimeography-gallery-1.vimeography-bugsauce .vimeography-main .spinner div div { background-color: #333333; }</p> </style>
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