• Resolved ACM


    i know this has been posted here before, but I’ve tried everything I could find that applies to this issue…

    I’ve moved my site to a different host. since moving, the contact form 7 forms DO send mail, but just get the spinning icon, and no ‘your message was successfully sent’ message (so user’s keep clicking send over and over!).

    i’ve disabled all other plugins and still have the same issue.

    i do have several other sites which have been moved to the new provider (WP-Engine), all of which use CF7, and all the others seem to work..

    can anyone help?


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  • chris


    it’s probably not loading the javascript for the Ajax response or the javascript is in conflict with another plugin. Did you upgrade to WordPress 3.5? I don’t think contact form 7 has been updated for 3.5 yet. At least, it’s not working on my site.

    Having the same problem. Also upgraded to 3.5 last night.

    Also, my emails don’t get sent at all.



    Actually, it works great in 3.5 for me. I had a snippet for Google analytics tracking and had forgotten to add my GA code to my header when I upgraded so it was failing on “__gaq not defined” error. After re-instituting my GA scripts, everything is good.

    Thread Starter ACM


    nope, still running 3.4.2..

    my first thought was a plug-in conflict, but have disabled everything with same problem.

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    Have you tried switching theme to the default one? Theme can cause conflict, too.

    my mistake was rather dumb, I’m afraid.

    I had brought into my localhost for editing via duplicator…thus it wasn’t actually on the real web server, which made sending mail difficult.

    Mine is working now…hope yours gets fixed soon!

    Thread Starter ACM


    mmm. have switched to twenty twelve theme, and disabled everything expect for Contact Form 7 itself…. same issue exists.

    I have the same problem here.

    The email is correctly sent but the icon is still spinning.

    I watched the http request (with firebug), I don’t see any problem, I receive an ajax response from the server (success if all fields are filled in, error with the list of fields to fill in…). It should work but the contact form is not refreshed (with ajax I mean, the little box to display the errors or the confirmation that the email has been sent).

    Something is missing?

    I don’t know since how long it is not working anymore, I just test it yesterday… I don’t think there is extensions conflict, I didn’t install any for a long time, but did some update…

    Any clues someone??

    Ok, I have finally found what the error was and correct it (actually this is a workaround).

    The http response was not in valid JSON format. Don’t ask me why, but it included some html code before the real json data (i.e. before ‘{‘, something like

    <div style="display:none"><b></b><div>

    I am not sure where it is coming from (I got also this code when I’m editing the form in the admin). Whatever, here is a fix:
    Instead of json data, use ‘text’. Then get ride of the unexpected html code (use substring and indexOf), then convert to json format (now it is ok). It works like a charm!

    Here is the code extract I added/modified (contact-form-7\includes\js\scripts.js, from line 22):

    data: { '_wpcf7_is_ajax_call': 1 },
    dataType: 'text',
    success: function(data) {
    	// remove invalide characters
    	data = data.substring(data.indexOf("{"));
    	data = $.parseJSON(data);

    Hope that little trick will help some of you. Look carefully the response content after the submit (e.g. use firebug for firefox), maybe you have the same problem, if not, this code won’t help you at all…

    Thread Starter ACM


    hey carmano,

    i tried your code modification, still same issue..

    my understanding of AJAX is very limited, i don’t suppose anyone would be able to take a look?

    my problem form is on https://www.acm.ac.uk/contact-acm/

    I’ve actually solved this problem (CF7 v. 3.3.2 and WP 3.5 and earlier) by changing a couple of lines in the modules/special-mail-tags.php file.

    Change line 8 to
    function wpcf7_special_mail_tag( $output, $name, $html=false ) {

    And change line 82 to
    function wpcf7_special_mail_tag_for_raw_post( $output, $name, $html=false ) {

    Whatever is calling these functions isn’t passing the html variable, so providing a default solves the problem of some forms sending but not displaying a success message.

    @academy Of Contemporary Music
    I tried on your website, but you have deactivated ajax… Can’t see the http response so.
    Maybe it is because of my modification, but I don’t think so.

    But without ajax, it works, it just refreshed the entire page.

    I’m using WordPress 3.4.2 and CF7 3.3.2

    Anyway don’t forget to backup your script.js first ?? just in case!

    @academy Of Contemporary Music

    here is the http request of you website:

    {<json valid code here}<!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The path to wp-cache-phase1.php in wp-content/advanced-cache.php must be fixed! -->

    You have html code also, but at the end! Modify my code to delete the end, not the beginning. Or you can fix the cache plugin problem w-cache.

    I’ve been troubleshooting this problem myself – spinning icon, email sends, and then no confirmation on the page. As it turns out, I was using the old Analytics tracking code in the “Additional Settings” box of my contact forms (in order to do virtual URL tracking for my goals when a user submits the form).

    If you have a line of code in the “Additional Settings” box (when editing your CF7 form) beginning with “on_sent_ok” and it has “pageTracker” in it, you’re probably using the old version of the tracking code.

    You can see more details here:

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