• OK, so my Spellcheck plugin doesn’t work with the WYSIWYG editor in 2.0 (it does work if I revert to simple text though).

    The question is, seeing as this is now TinyMCE, can I used a TinyMCE spellcheck plugin? Would that work? Has anyone done it yet?



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  • I’m trying to do it, I found one called easyspell, but I can’t get it to work for the life of me. I’ve been having to go in ans maually edit the TinyMCE soruce and admin-header.php and still nothing is happening. I’d appreceate some help from a WP dev who knows how to get this thing working. :\

    Ok, I got it to appear in the toolbar but it keeps saying I’ve asked it to check a non-existant text fied. What’s the text field name of stuff within the TinyMCE editor?

    I have Google bar installed and there is a spell checker on there, that’s what I’ve been using since I started blogging.

    I would like spellchecker back up and running as well. It’s invaluable!

    I’d love it if you found a fix so I could get it back too.

    Spelling Checker works fine still for me and is kickass as always.

    No one use easyspell. I got it working and it’s horrible.

    Thread Starter dan13l


    Viper007Bond – Spelling Checker doesn’t work with the WYSIWYG writing interface. The button appears, but always tells you there are no spelling mistakes!

    If you switch to the non WYSIWYG editor, it works fine.

    I suspect the plugin needs a slight tweak, to check the WYSIWYG text field rather than the simple text field, depending on which is enabled.

    One thing that does work with the rich text editor is the Firefox SpellBound spellcheck extension.

    What about people with mixed administrators? All using different browsers?

    I really think spellcheck should be in WordPress. WordPress is about writing and without a spellcheck it’s purpouse is moot.

    dan13l: ah, yeah, I don’t use the WYSIWYG editor as I know better than it. ??

    Yeah. The WYSIWYG editor isn’t worth much to me without spellcheck. At the moment my only choice is to downgrade to a previous version of Firefox, because Spellbound doesn’t work with Firefox 1.5.

    The spellcheck on the Google toolbar inserts weird code into the WYSIWYG editor that you have to go back and delete, otherwise it’ll show up in your post, etc. It works fine w/o the WYSIWYG editor. But then you have to ditch the WYSIWYG. So, a major feature in 2.0 has somewhat limited value. If spelling matters to you.


    If you go to the TinyMCE site (https://tinymce.moxiecode.com/) and download the full 2.01 release, there is the IESpell plugin that you can add to your editor.

    To easily add buttons and plugins to WordPress, check out hte “Advanced editing for WordPress 2.0″ plugin” (https://blog.labnotes.org/2005/12/26/advanced-editing-for-wordpress-20/).
    It easily allows you to add extend the rather minimal WP 2.0 implementation. This plugin has come in very handy.

    It is easy to take this plugin and also add a 2nd or 3rd line of buttons.

    Simply add another filter for mce_buttons_2, and if you need three lines, also mce_buttons_3:

    add_filter(“mce_buttons_2”, “extended_editor_mce_buttons2”, 0);

    function extended_editor_mce_buttons2($buttons) {
    return array( /* second row buttons */ );

    Problem with the IESpell plugin is that as I understand it, it requires IE. So if I start running IE to edit my blog, then from what I have read elsewhere is that IE doesn’t like everything about WordPress 2.0 and you are better off with Firefox. So which is the lessor of two evils?

    I have been scouring the internet today and I am amazed that there is not a good Firefox, TinyMCE and WordPress 2.0 spelling check solution. With WordPress 1.5.x I used the googlebar spelling check, but TinyMCE doesn’t like it.

    What to do?!?

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