(Ross, thanks for chipping in – 2 heads are better than one ?? )
Manually place 1500 links?!! Oh my, that alone calls for a script. You don’t code at all, correct? That would be fine, it’s just that most people who post in this sub-forum have at least some coding aptitude. I’m just trying to assess who I’m dealing with.
I think your main organizational component should be the file resources, as you suggested, separate folders for the various levels. Additionally, the file resources should be sequentially numbered. If that’s impossible, a lookup table would be needed to keep track of what comes after what.
Then each user’s level and where they are at in the sequence (a “bookmark” let’s say) could be simply maintained in user meta. Your page template that offers the next download for any particular user can easily determine what’s next from the level and bookmark alone.
Because the downloads have intrinsic value, security is very important. It’s critical no one can access a file who does not have permission. It’s also important for those that do have permission to be able to access their resource without any glitches. The two goals are often at odds.
The download permission aspect, as well as collecting payments can be handled by some sort of e-commerce plugin. WooCommerce is very popular (not an endorsement, just saying) and it does have a download component. It’s more of a browse for what you want, then buy it sort of approach. It may be overkill for your needs. There should be other options available.
What ever plugin you decide on, there will be some aspect requiring some custom coding. You can easily hire someone to do this for you. While it’s too much to expect a freebie code out of these forums, I don’t see this being a big project either. It should be money well spent.
It’s not allowed to solicit or offer paid work in these forums, but there are other sites that are specifically for this. You could try starting with https://jobs.wordpress.net/ . Whoever you end up hiring could likely have a different approach in mind than I have. There’s a number of valid approaches. It’s best to take the advice of the person to whom you’re paying due to their expertise.