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  • I’ve seen this too. I’ve found that putting a

    <div style=”clear:both;”></div>

    <?php endwhile; // End the loop. Whew. ?>

    in loop.php in your theme resolves most of this. Although there are other places this can be incorporated, this one does well where “LOOPS” are done on many posts.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter somnifac


    Hmmm. Any pointers on if the theme in use doesn’t use a loop.php?

    I do certainly appreciate the assistance.


    I also notice that if there is not enough txt to pad down the right side of an image in a post, the next post will also start to the right of that image. Example:

    Would you imagine a fix for the previous issue could also remedy that?

    /wp-content/themes/”YOUR THEME”/loop.php

    Are you able to find this?

    Thread Starter somnifac


    I have quite a few themes installed, and only 2 of them make use of a loop.php file. I can do a search of the themes folder, including subfolders, and only come up with those two hits, and those were just themes installed for testing, not ones that I actually intend to use.

    There may be many themes that you’ve installed, but only one of them you are using and is active. This is what we’re looking for.

    I’m hoping also that you have created a “child theme” so that these changes won’t be over-written the next time the theme is updated. Search “How to create a child theme” in wordpress.

    Thread Starter somnifac


    I am 100% on board with you, checking the folder for the theme currently active.

    I have yet to create a child theme, as I’ve yet to actually make any changes to it. I will do so before any changes are made.

    Thread Starter somnifac


    From what I can see, the lack of a loop.php may indicate a theme that was created pre-WP 3.0. I’ll look to see if I can find something a little more current, as even testing themes off the “Recently Updated” stream in the theme installer is not a foolproof way to find a theme with a loop.php.

    Good for you to find this. Nothing that is good comes easy. Keep working on it and I’m sure you’ll find the answer. Help is always here, so I feel from all that create and support this plug-in.

    Please rate and support Mr. Weiss for his work and support of his dedicated efforts.

    In the mean time while working on your problem, listen to some good music…

    Did this fix your problem?

    Thread Starter somnifac


    I found “The Loop” in one of the index files, and placed the suggested <div style=”clear:both;”></div> just before the end statement of the while loop, but it unfortunately didn’t change anything.

    I’m going to have to poke around a bit and see if I can nail down the difference between the items from that feed, and all the others.

    I do thank you for your help.

    Plugin Author Allen


    Typically, if you are using the feed to post, if a certain feed is messing up your theme it’s because whoever made the RSS feed forgot to close some divs in the html. If there is an unclosed div in their html, and then depending how your theme uses divs (and clears divs – as mentioned above) then that will mess up everything. The only thing you can do is either use the option to strip all html out of the posts or tell the feed provider to fix there RSS feed.

    Exactly, Mr. Weiss. This is why <div style=”clear:both;”></div> wherever it is needed or just let some look “modern” or great as they are.

    Thread Starter somnifac


    I will have to keep poking around. I took one of the items from the feed in question and it appears that all <div> tags look like they’re all closed (I’m unable to find any unclosed tags of any kind).

    Since it’s just one feed, the issue almost certainly lies in the feed itself. I do not wish to enable to “remove HTML” option, as this will strip images, which I don’t want to lose (some of the feeds are just images). I’ll just remove the offending feed for the time being, until I can figure something out.

    Thanks for your help.

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