special 404 errors
My blog is https://www.niftymiracle.com
Im experiencing a strange error,
whenever I publish a post, along with the page a 404 error is also forming with extension as site name – https://www.abc.com/post/www.abc.com
so If I have 300 pages, 300 errors are showing
Eg:If I write a post on nifty and my URL is https://www.niftymiracel.com/nifty
its reflecting a 404 error in google webmaster and all other seo softwares with url https://www.niftymiracle.com/nifty/www.niftymiracle.comStrangly crawlers are showing the referee page for that 404 error as https://www.niftymiracle.com/nifty but I dont understand where link is there?
Please help where I did mistake. Im using shaan template.
Thanks in advance
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