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  • Plugin Author julien731


    The ISO code for Spanish is es_ES. Your translation files should not be named wpas-hr but wpas-en_ES instead. If you have downloaded the -hr translation file from Transifex then you got the Croatian translation.

    Thread Starter the-rotty


    That part I understand, but you download from Transifex is to wpas.pot name but ends in .pot must change the extension to .po and name WPAS-en_ES.po?

    Plugin Author julien731


    When you download the translation from Transifex, you need to click the link that says “Download for use ?”. Then you’ll get a .po file and not a .pot (it should be for_use_awesome-support_wpaspot_es.po).

    You then rename it into wpas-es_ES.po and copy it in the languages directory.

    Thread Starter the-rotty


    Hello excuse me again, look how I configured and still can not get him in Spanish, will this bad content’m using wordpress 4.1.2 you help me?

    Plugin Author julien731


    If you have downloaded the translation from Transifex, please note that the Spanish translation is only 23% done. You can contribute to it on the Transifex project if you want it 100% translated.

    Hello, I have the same problem, I downloaded the file for that page and this have all my string translated that I need like “Subject” “Product” but when I replace my .po and .mo archive nothing happen. Even this have a line in spanish, a picture of my archive for FTP

    This is my .po and .mo archive that I replace in my FTP

    Hello friends i make right now the completete spanish translation for this incredible plugin
    así que tengan paciencia que entre mi trabajo y el poco tiempo que tengo tratare de ayudar al creador del plugin con la traducción en espa?ol actualmente al 44% y funciona muy bien una vez tenga todo listo se lo enviare al creador del plugin para ver si el decide usarlo o no.

    Julien already have the translation 44% and all is well but have little time for my job
    When everything is ready I tell you

    Plugin Author julien731


    Many thanks for your contribution carlosusa77, it is much appreciated.


    I found a solution. You need to go in you admin wp-page
    Awesome support > system status (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=ticket&page=wpas-status)

    Then you can see two tabs System status and cleanup (Img:

    In my case if you saw in the information of wordpress (site url, home url, wp version, wp multisite..) then you can see in WP LANGUAGE that it says “es_MX” so that was the problem my archive doesn′t have the correct name because I rename “es_ES” but I need an archive with this name “es_MX” (img:

    Resume: The problem was that my archive name was wrong.

    PD: I also translated this archive, I have 59% of string translated:


    Encontre una solución a este problema. Necesitas ir a tu admin de wordpress Awesome support > system status (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=ticket&page=wpas-status)

    Despyes veras dos pesta?as la de estatus de sistema y cleanup (Img:

    En mi caso si ves la información de wordpress site url, home url, wp version, wp multisite..) te darás cuenta que en WP LANGUAGE dice “es_MX” en lugar de “es_ES” por esta razón no lo tomaba entonces lo que hice fue renombrarlo a “es_MX” y subirlo a mi FTP y ya quedó listo!

    Resumen: Estaba mal nombrado mi archivo

    PD: Yo también hice la traducción del archivo y esta al 59%, dejare aquí el archivo por si les sirve:

    Plugin Author julien731


    The problem is simply that the translation for this language hasn’t been done. es_MX is Spanish (Mexico) and we don’t have that yet. I have no clue what the differences are between Spanish and Mexico Spanish, maybe it’s the same, maybe not. You tell me ??

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