• Today I had 5 ‘people’ register at my site including ‘useragentlotterypromo4’.

    In the admin panel, I had the option ticked to let anyone register on my site. However, there are no links to the registration form anywhere. Perhaps a new wave of spam is starting? The users (as far as I can tell didn’t do anything). But if someone has a blog out there where the default setting for a new user gives out too much power… something bad could happen.

    Anyway, has anyone else had spamusers register at their blog?

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  • I’ve just had this happen over the past week. I’ve unchecked the option to allow anyone to register, and new users were limited to Subscriber permissions anyway. I haven’t seen any examples of blogs being hijacked, and I don’t know if they’re just trying to post unmoderated comments, hoping to post articles, or biding their time until they discover a (hopefully non-existent!) WordPress exploit.

    Fortunately, the top 3 tools listed here
    should help you prevent ’em.

    bad behaviour doesnt block these sorts of signups. It looks at browser header strings, user-agents, and the like. IT might block a signup as a result of looking at those things, but out of the box, thats not what it’s intended to do.

    Spam karma looks at comment content, if Im not mistaken. As such, its not going to adress signups either.

    Askimet, I am only assuming looks at comment, url content, as well.

    In short, NONE of those specifically adress registrations.

    I too, am seeing occassional similar signups, and I use atleast ONE of the solutions above.

    Its an inconvencience only for me, I delete them as I see them.

    All good points, Whooami. My apologies. I don’t allow registrations so hadn’t really thought it through properly.

    At least part of a fix can be found here. In effect, it changes the default registration process and inserts a mini-Turing test to ensure that there is someone on the other end of the line.

    and again since we seem to think its OK to spam our fricken blog on 10 post heres MY PLUGIN to restrict registration:


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