It’s not a security breach because nothing was breached. Admin notices are a built in part of WordPress Core designed to allow plugin, theme and WordPress core to communicate important notices and warnings, for example major legal changes, update routine required notices, required configuration changes or issues, and so forth.
An example of a really common usecase is to allow for upgrade routines that require batch processing to start, because that has to be initiated by a user on the site, and something we’ve used it for in the past since there are sometimes upgrade routines that for performance reasons cannot and/or should not be performed automatically.
It’s a built in system of WordPress, much like Notifications API in Windows, the Notification center in Ubuntu, or the notifications system on any major smartphone operating system.
When any plugin on is designed it is done for the average install use case, and we can’t predict every possible use case. I know we have a block of time set aside later in the third quarter to look at making MonsterInsights’s notifications into a standalone submenus page similar to how the upgrades system WordPress has works, though in the meantime we have to do the best we can to protect our average user whose site can be impacted by the implications of GDPR when fines and penalties start to go into effect less than 24 hours from now.
Our first priority will always be to protect our users and look out for their best interest and guide them as best we can. I understand you might not be happy with how we had to release that guidance, but we did so with the best of intentions to help guide as many of our users as best we could to relevant, easy to understand guidance in an effective manner, and at the end of the day, if you’re not happy with how that was done I both understand your decision, and also want to point out this is something we are always working to make better, starting with our Notifications center later this year.
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by