• Just to get attention from the Authors and programmers,
    We are affected with these spammers, posting comments on our site with their “Quotes” and we get email everytime. All these days, I thought, its a person doing this posts manually. Now I got this spammer posting everyday, posting comments to all post. I dont think its done manually. because my site is not at that popular, for anyone to read the post and no one will care to read the comments. Its waste of time and money for that person.
    so its sure a automated script. And I observed this comments appear only when I update my site with new post of mine. whenever i update, comments starts flowing into, for every post on site.
    I can block ip, I can block keywords, I block this n that, but this is Bug in WP – I think , spammers who studied and identified it, are utilizing it to spam.
    I am no good at all with any of these blog scripts, and only because my domain CPANEL provides it as automatic installation and it suits 100% of my needs, i installed. I was very happy with WordPress till now!!
    Authors please look into this

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  • I do think there is a backdoor in the program.
    I stopped the incoming spam from the Poker Jokers, but everytime I post a single comment pops up.
    The comment from the Poker Jokers is coming internally. Unlike other comments
    on my page these do not generate an email.
    Also, whenever I enter certain links the program is munging the links. I did not tell it to do this
    and I cannot find the script that does this.
    For example: If I add “Democraticunderground” to my links it will put mywebpage/wp-admin/www.democraticunderground.com. The shows “www.democraticunderground.com”.
    Yet other links are not so affected. Only _specific_ links.
    There is a backdoor in this program, the Poker Jokers and others have found it.

    Moderator James Huff


    There is no backdoor. This has been discussed here hundreds of times. The Poker guy just uses the wp-comments-post.php file to post comments to non-existant post ids. Thus, when a post is created to fit that id, the existing comments appear. This is not an backdoor, just a normal function. You can get around it by renaming your wp-comments-post.php file and don’t forget to delete it after you upload the new one.

    onethumb, use TechGnome’s Code.

    Moderator James Huff


    Agreed, forgot about that one.

    if you’re using an alpha of 1.3, you could try the plugin version, which is TechGnome’s code converted into a plugin.
    these tools just block future attempts at posting comments to entries that don’t exist. you’ll have to manually delete the spam that’s already in your db.

    I _did_ rename wp-comments-post.php and delete the old one and it has stopped the incoming. If I understand correctly there are posts sitting in my system waiting for a corresponding number to be generated by my publishing a new entry? This is the comment that pops up the very instant that I publish a new post? I will try again
    And why does it munge the URLs of _specifc_ sites? I have tried correcting them several times and they still are munged after the correction.

    Moderator James Huff


    Onethumb, Charle97 has the answer you’re looking for.
    “onethumb, use TechGnome’s Code.”

    My friend Coffelius has just made this plugin which uses a graphic code generator. To make a comment you need to copy the code you see in the graphic to a new field in comments, this way only humans will be able to post and you’ll block bot-using-spammers without having to moderate comments.
    You can download the plugin here

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