• I’ve been reading the various solutions, and intend on getting to work on some of them tonight, as I’ve been hit with the poker spam today also. Every few minutes I’m getting another email alerting me that it’s in the moderation cue.
    I did a Whois lookup and found the domain is registered to and has the contact information listed as:
    [email protected]
    3 Connel Drive
    Berkeley Heights, NY 07922
    and the telephone number 1-908-234-2243
    I haven’t yet, but I’m about to call this number (nearly 2am EST) and complain about the spam coming from these domains.
    I have no illusions that my call will make any change whatsoever, but it will certainly make me feel a little better, and if everyone on this forum who’s been spammed does the same, it may actually make a dent.
    Also, I urge everyone to post this information on their own blogs and ask your readers to call as well, as this spamming is threatening to change how many of our sites are set up.

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  • hehe, perhaps we should all call that number and spam his phone.

    Moderator James Huff


    In all honesty, just ignore the spammer. Spammers get paid via every time their ad is noticed. That’s every time it’s loaded by anything. And we’re not talking clicks here, just loading the ad. It’s just better to work with a comment moderation or blacklist plugin and just ignore him, rather than prove that his ad scheme is effective and that you have noticed it. Plus, you’ll actually feel better about getting to sleep before 2AM.

    Thread Starter pooka


    It’s impossible to ignore. Even with my moderation queue, I’m getting emails with every comment posted. And if I turn off the emails, it’s very likely I’ll miss a regular comment that I do want to be approved.
    This is bordering on criminal and if he’s a legitimate business man working for himself (why else would a home number be listed as a contact number) he needs to be prepared to deal with problems caused by his business 24/7.
    Yes, I do encourage everyone who reads these forums to call this guy at any hour, and be rational and explain why you’re calling.
    I just called him before this second post and he was woken from sleeping, and pretty annoyed. Claimed he wasn’t sending anything. Somehow I doubt someone else is providing him with free advertising without his knowledge and approval.

    Thread Starter pooka


    You make more sense than I’d really like to admit, though he did admit on the phone to administering that particular domain. I guess tmrw I’m going to pursue this further, look into the registering company and speak to this person again at a sane hour.
    We can’t expect to simply ‘do our best to block it’ and let these people get away with causing such havoc on our websites. I hadn’t followed much about Anti-Spam laws aside from the no-call phone spam lists. I don’t know that the point is to be annoying and anonymous so much as to provide traffic through link saturation.

    After getting hundreds and hundreds of comments to moderate, I felt a desire to retaliate as well. I installed Blacklist yesterday and set it so that any comment that included the two urls I saw would be deleted. For a blessed 12 hours or so, I haven’t seen any comment spam.
    But it’s always possible that this is just a pause before the next storm. We’ll see. I haven’t gotten any emails showing that a comment was deleted, so perhaps having no comments to moderate was merely a sign that no attempts were made by the spambot in recent hours.

    How do you set blacklist to delete instead of sending to moderation queue? I’ve seen references to this and can’t actually find the version that does it. One post mentioned “version 2.6” but I can’t even find a version number.
    <begin rant>
    Before anyone blows up at me, I’ve done a search which is how I ended up at this post hoping for an answer that isn’t here. Yes, I also checked the “wiki” – three quarters of the pages that turn up under “blacklist plugin” have nothing on them at all and the one that did is where I dled the plugin. After half an hour trying to fix the fact that the database connection string in “import-blacklist.php” was incorrect and there was a syntax error in the SQL query, I realize I should have read closer because all it does is send spam to the moderation queue and I already had all comments set to be moderated anyway because it’s a business site and I didn’t want inappropriate content. As long as I’m writing, I’ll make the suggestion of automatically deleting blank Wiki pages after X number of days. </end rant>

    Re the wiki: Was it https://www.wiki.www.remarpro.com that you checked ?
    If so, the lessons have been learned hence the construction of Codex being more carefully done.

    I think the url was wiki.www.remarpro.com without the www.
    BTW, podz and others, thanks for your help. The fact that I’m frustrated doesn’t indicate lack of appreciation for all the free help with a free product.

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