• Does any one know how I can get rid of the spam on my Web blog. Some how some way some one is placing spamed Casino links in my comments section. Has any ones else had this problem??

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Well, first you could try searching these forums for the word, “spam”. But, it’s late, and I’ll just point you in the right direction. https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/spam/

    boxers_almighty – I suggest you to look at this address where a similar problem is treated:

    Moderator James Huff


    No, it’s not similar to that. He just plain and simple comment spam, like all of us, and needs to install an anti-spam measure from here: https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/spam/

    This was a thread that was as close to my new problem as I could find. It looks like some clever SPAMMER has found a way around the default WP comment moderation or blacklist <options/ Discussions/ comment moderations>. It seems they have found a way of setting up a “link” in the comment field that WP does not recognizes as a prohibited word and posts the intended SPAM name in the comment field once its posted. Yesterday was my first one and I just had another now.

    What is unusual about these two comments was that they were posted on post that were less than 2 weeks old and contain new scrip in the comment field. Below was my reply E mail with the offending scrip.

    Author : phentermine (IP: ,
    E-mail : [email protected]
    URI : https://www.canadianlabels.net/
    Whois : https://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
    This is a great web site. I have some great web pages myself if you are interested to share. But I should not go on about my site too much, that is not fair, right?

    I have added the “&” symbol to see if that takes care of it. Anyone have any thoughts to ridding this method of SPAMMING?

    Unbelievable! Even when I cut and paste the “code” that the SPAMMERS used in this new method, here on the forum, it still comes up as the SPAM name intended? I won’t do that again.

    I thinks Jeff’s comment fix works fine.
    If it is a SPAM BOT that is doing it?

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